Isagalieva Ainura Karagulovna

Isagalieva Ainura Karagulovna
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Education: Higher, Kyrgyz State National University. 1998
Faculty of Geography and Ecology,
specialty: “Environmental protection and rational
use of natural resources”.
Scientific directions: "Physical geography"
Work experience: 1999 - 2005 Institute of Management and Business Kyrgyz Technical University. I. Razzakova Department of "Economic Theory" lecturer. 2005-2016 Department "Protection in emergency situations and ecology" Art. teacher. 2016-2018 Department of Emergency Protection and Ecology Associate Professor 2018-2019 Technosphere Safety Associate Professor
Awards: Honorary diploma of KSTU and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Teaches disciplines: "Ecology", "Physical geography". "Methods of control device and environmental monitoring", "Medicine of disasters".

Приёмная: 54-51-76

Телефон: 0312545176;

Кабинет: 2/519

e-mail: isagalievа

Стаж работы: 23