Beishenbiev Mukhtar Satybaldievich

Beishenbiev Mukhtar Satybaldievich
senior teacher

Education: -1983-87 Moscow Higher Command School for Road and Engineering Troops. 
Experience: -1987-92 Red Banner Kiev Military District -platoon commander; -commander of a separate platoon; -commander of a separate company; -OMSBrGO -1992-2019 Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic (EMERCOM) - from September 2021 to the present Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I.Razzakov Energy Department - senior lecturer. Faculty of Energy, Department of Technical and Environmental Safety, Senior Lecturer - participated in liquidation of gangs in Batken and Osh oblasts, also took part in many rescue operations
Awards: Recipient of many state and departmental awards

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