Tekbaeva Eliza Emilbekovna
Senior Lecturer
2006 – Kyrgyz State University of Transport Construction and Architecture, specialty “Expertise and Real Estate Management”, qualification-engineer manager (Diploma with honors)
Knowledge of languages: Kyrgyz - native
Russian - fluent
Labor activity:
From 2016 to the present, senior lecturer at the Department of PESMiK (Production and examination of building materials, products and structures)
2013-2016 Category I specialist RC Construction Certification of the State Construction Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic
2007-2009 Art. teacher department PESMiK
2006-2007 engineer, teacher department PESMiK
Member of the scientific and methodological council of the Forensic Expert Service under the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Participation in projects:
Participant in a survey of school buildings and kindergartens in the Kyrgyz Republic with support from the World Bank.
2024 Pre-Intermediate, with financial support from KSTU. I. Razzakova, Bishkek
2022 Engineering pedagogy KSUSTA named after. N. Isanova, Bishkek
2021 Earthquake-resistant construction technologies, MUIT Bishkek
2019 Security Responsiveness, with the support of the World Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek
2019 Innovations in the field of construction. PC LIRA Design and calculation of building structures, Bishkek
2019 Design of building structures using the LIRA-SAPR software package. Version 2018 and its development within the framework of the BIM concept. International Association of Earthquake Resistant Construction Experts, MUIT Bishkek
2017 Partitions and cladding KNAUF, Suspended ceilings KNAUF, Gypsum plasters KNAUF, KGUSTA Bishkek
2008 Improvement of pedagogical qualifications of KSUSTA, Bishkek
2008 Innovation in the field of construction KSUSTA, Bishkek
Publications: 6 scientific articles jointly with undergraduates in the program “Forensic construction, technical and cost examination of real estate”. (2017 - 2022), 6 guidelines (2018-2022)
Awards, certificates:
- Diploma of ISIT KGUSTA named after. N. Isanova, 2018
- Certificate of honor from KGUSTA named after. N. Iasnova, 2019
- Diploma of ISIT KGUSTA named after N. Isanov, 2020
- II degree diploma from IITU, 2022
Profiles in scientometric databases:
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0001-5184-4081
ResearcherID Web of Science: HPF-0901-2023
Google Scholar: Элиза Текбаева
Researchgate.net:Элиза Текбаева
ScopusID:Элиза Текбаева
РИНЦ: SPIN-код: 2893-5638 AuthorID: 1193533