Dzhusupova Mahavat Abdysadykovna
Ph.D. assistant professor
Dade of birth: 08.07.1958
Education: Higher
1976- 1981- Frunze Polytechnic Institute, engineer-constructional faculty, qualification of an engineer- builder-
Dade of birth: 08.07.1958
Education: Higher
1976- 1981- Frunze Polytechnic Institute, engineer-constructional faculty, qualification of an engineer- builder- technologist.
2001- 2004- KACU, specialty- an appraiser
From 1992-a candidate of technical sciences by specialty 05.23.05 “Building materials”
From 2004- an assistant professor by specialty “Building materials and articles”
Knowledge of languages: Russian- fluently, English, Swedish -with dictionary.
Work experience: From 1984 to nowadays- a teacher, a senior teacher, acting assistant
professor, an assistant professor, chief of the department of magistrate, post graduate and doctorate, chief of the department of post graduate and doctorate
The main scientific themes- Technology for production of composite building materials contact- condensate hardening from natural techno genic raw materials.
Publications: more than 16 methodical development, 60 scientific articles
Awards: “Excellence of education of KR, Diploma of MO and N of KR, diplomas of KSUCTA.
Advanced training
2006 | Modern management methods based on ISO 9000 series (certificate №SM.019.10-06.). |
2009 | Certificate «Design of state educational standards of higher professional education on the basis of competence approach». |
2012 | Certificate of the training centre «KNAUF». |
2016 | Certificate of «specialist in engineering services». |
2016 | Certificate «specialist in the organization and production of building materials». |
2016 | Certificate of expert accreditation Agency for quality assurance in education "EDNET". |
2016 | Certificate. The system Antiplagiat. HEI. CC «Antiplagiat. HEI». |
2017 | Certificate. Seminar on accreditation of educational programs. Quality education. |
2017 | Certificate. Expert on accreditation of educational programs. Quality education. |
2018 | Accreditation of master's programs of KSUCTA through EdNet |
2018 | Certificate «Design of building structures using the software complex LIRA-CAD.Version 2018 and its development within the BIM concept». |
2018 | Certificate. Features of accreditation of PhD programs. Erasmus+ in Kyrgyzstan. |
2019 | International business management rules based on international standard ISO 9001. |