Shaimbektov Dzhekshenbek Akmatovich

Shaimbektov Dzhekshenbek Akmatovich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department. "Design, construction of buildings and earthquake-resistant construction" KSTU named after I. Razzakov.

Shaimbetov Dzhekshenbek Akmatovich.

Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor of the Department. "Design, construction of buildings and earthquake engineering " KSTU named after I. Razzakov.

1. Last name Shaimbetov

2. First name Dzhekshenbek

3. Father's name is Akmatovich

4. Sex: Male            

5. Date of birth December 04, 1949

6. Place of birth Kyrgyzstan,

7. Nationality Kyrgyz

8. Citizenship KR

9. Address of residence: The Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, Oktyabrsky district, Tunguch residential area 6, Tunguchskaya str. 

10. Contact information:

- Home address, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, Oktyabrsky district, l/m Tunguch, Tunguchskaya str. 6 tel. 0555063429 

- Administrative address, telephone: 720048, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, VPZ, Valikhanov St. (Cholpon-Ata) 2, phone: 0312 44-94-76,

mobile: (0555) 063429, e-mail:

11. Education

Name of institution of higher education FPI

Year of graduation 1972 State Kyrgyzstan

Type of graduate school (s/n) by correspondence 1 institution (organization) FPI

Year of graduation 1984 Country Kyrgyzstan

12. Languages fluency in Kyrgyz, Russian,

13. Work experience:

Place of work: State KR

Region city: Bishkek

Organization of the State Institute of Earthquake Resistant Construction and Engineering Design of the State Agency for Architecture, Construction, Housing and Communal Services under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic.

14. Position Head of the Department of technical standardization and engineering design. 2014-present.

15. Head of Sector, Deputy Head of Department of the Office of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic 2002-2014. 

16. Head of science department, head of technical rationing and accreditation of Gosstroi 1994-2002.

17. Researcher, senior lecturer of FPI 1974-1994.

18. Master, foreman of Kochkor MCO 1972-1974.

19. Academic degree

Degree (K) Ph.D. Branch of science Technical

Specialty code (according to name of scientific workers) 05.23.08 and 05.05.04

Date of conferment June 9, 1994.

20. Academic titles

Academic title of senior researcher in the specialty "Technology and organization of industrial and civil construction”    

Date of assignment November 09, 1995 SAC KR

Academic titles

Title: Corresponding Member of the Academy of Architecture and Construction of the Kyrgyz Republic.  Date of election August 27, 2002.

Member of Interstate Scientific and Technical Committee on Standardization (ISTC) 12.

Scientific results (total)

Number of publications - 28 including scientific - 26.    

21. Scientific works

Main: code number of scientific specials - 05.23.08 1.

Shaimbetov D.A. Forced heating of a concrete mixture by induction heaters in the erection of monolithic reinforced concrete structures / Thematic collection of scientific papers. Effective technology of concrete work in environmental conditions. Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute-Chelyabinsk 1986 Page 107-111.

Shaimbetov J.A. Formation of Temperature Fields in Concrete during Conductive Heat Transfer from Cylindrical Sources. Collection of Scientific Works. Problems of Technology, Organization and Economics of Construction. Bishkek 1994. Page 17-21.

Shaimbetov D.A., On the Problems of Technical Regulation of the Construction Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic. KSUCTA. Bishkek 2016. Page 7.

22. Computer User: Microsoft Office.

23. Awards:

  • Medal Manas-1000, Certificate of Honor of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic;
  • Title "Honorary Builder of the Kyrgyz Republic"


Profiles in scientometric databases:
2. Scopus Author ID: Jekshen Akmatovich
3. РИНЦ AuthorID:  SPIN-код: 30237655 
4. Google Scholar: Шаимбетов Дж.А.
5.  Djekshen Shaimbetov


6. ResearcherID Web of Science: HTR-1927-2023

Приёмная: 0312 54 57 12

Телефон: (0555) 063429,

Кабинет: 2 compus 3 building 407 office

e-mail: Shaimbetov

Стаж работы: 38 years