Cooperation with the University of Parma, Parma, Italy.
From October 2017 to March 2018, 2 students of the TTPb-1-14 group, Kim D.A. and Mamytkanov E.T. studied at the leading university in Italy - the University of Parma under the academic mobility program.
Cooperation with KazNAU, Almaty, Kazakhstan
From February 11 to February 23, 2019, in accordance with the cooperation agreement, master’s student E.T. Mamytkanov underwent an internship at KazNAU. within the framework of the International Winter School “Innovative technologies and technical means in agriculture”. He got acquainted with the history and laboratories of KazNAU, and also took part in lectures by leading professors on the topics “Scientific support for the development of agricultural machinery”, “State and prospects for the use of digital technologies in the control of machine and tractor units”, “Digital technologies in agriculture”, “Analysis state and prospects for the restoration of machine parts in the agro-industrial complex (AIC).” Separately, we visited the Kazakh Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture (Almaty), the MAMED Peasant Farm, and the AGROTECH Plant.
On May 6-10, 2019, the summer school “Research on Sustainable Urban Mobility in Central Asia - SUMRICA” was held on the N. Isanov campus on the topic “Land Use / Transport, Integrated Transport Planning”. The opening of the school took place in the Great Assembly Hall, where the opening speech was made by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. A. Abdykalykov, there were also presentations by Dr. Wulf-Holger Arndt about the project, Ph.D., prof. K. Isakova about the research work of the department “Organization of transportation and traffic safety.” Project assistants from Germany - Deter Fabian, Ilya Sogolov.
During the school the following presentations were discussed:
- researchers from partner universities; experts Mahta Mir Mojtadae, Ines Carstensen and Karl-Heinz Posch presented in detail about transit-oriented development, sustainable development of management and mobility, planning for sustainable urban mobility.
School participants worked in three groups: Urban Expansion and Sustainable Mobility; Air pollution; Tourism and sustainable mobility. As part of the round table, a meeting was organized with stakeholders (Department of Transport of the Bishkek City Hall, Road Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, representatives of NABU, etc.) and went to the Bishkek Trolleybus Department No. 1, Bishkek Passenger ATP No. 2. During the work of the school, participants and stakeholders were acquainted with the updated mission, strategic goals, vision of the university, and also discussed the results of training, the goals of the educational program for bachelors and masters in the direction 670300-Transport Process Technology. According to the results of the school, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Akymbek Abdykalykov presented international certificates to all experts, researchers and participants.
Exchange of information with foreign guests and representatives of the production of students of the Department
On November 25, 2020, a guest lecture and an online meeting with employers took place at the Department of OPiBD. The online event was attended by students of the educational programs “Organization and Traffic Safety” and “Organization of Transportation and Transport Management,” the deputy director of INTRANSECO and department staff.
Alina Nurtaevna Salmanova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Internal Quality Assurance of Education, Senior Lecturer, was invited as a lecturer. department "Transport" Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after. acad. K. Satpayeva, who gave a lecture on the topic “ACUTS - a system for increasing comfort and safety, a communication system between the driver and the car.” The content of the lecture was devoted to a pressing issue of modern life, because... Currently, the capabilities of modern information technology are being actively introduced in all areas of activity. All students were satisfied, received answers to their questions, and also shared useful information.
On June 25, 2021, former Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic Mamataliev A. and employees of the motor transport industry of the Kyrgyz Republic gave a guest lecture for students of the “Technology of Transport Processes” profiles “Organization of transportation”, “Traffic safety and organizayion” and “Customs”.
They introduced students to the needs of the transport industry of Kyrgyzstan and the main areas of training for the necessary specialists, as well as the competencies currently required from specialists.
International online school under the SUMRICA project (Sustainable urban mobility research of Central Asia) together with partner universities
From November 17 to 19, 2021, employees, students and undergraduates of the Department of Transportation and Traffic Safety participated in the international online school under the SUMRICA project (Sustainable urban mobility research of Central Asia) together with partner universities : Technical University of Berlin, Center for Technology and Society; East Kazakhstan State Technical University; Nazarbayev University; Urgench State University; Bishkek State University; Tarbiat Modares University, Iran. At the opening of the school, Dr. Matthias Nollenburg from the Volkswagen Foundation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Abdykalykov A.A., prof. Martina Schäfer and Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt from the Technical University of Berlin, Prof. Jong Kim, Nazarbayev University, who noted the importance of this school in the field of exchange of experiences in conducting research and for further cooperation for academic exchange between partner universities.
During the school for master's and bachelor's students in the direction 670300-Technology of transport processes there were lectures by international experts prof. Dr. Khaled Abdelazim Abbasa from the Egyptian National Institute of Transport, Cairo, Egypt on the topic "Public Transport", Dr. Ana Tsui Moreno Chou from the Technical University of Munich on the topic "Modeling, User Behavior" and Dr. Mikhail Blinkina, Dean of the Faculty urban and regional development, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia on the topic “Organization and digitalization of public transport.”
Our employees made their presentations - Ph.D., Assoc. A.Sh. Altybaev on the topic “Transfer of European innovative approaches to public transport to Bishkek” and master’s student of OPUTm-1-20 Aidarbek uulu A. on the topic “Rationalization of routes of public transport in Bishkek”, who completed an internship at the Berlin Technical University (August-October, 2021, Berlin) on the development of public transport.
The work of the school will end with a discussion of pressing problems in public transport by working groups with the participation of stakeholders from the countries of partner universities (from the Transport Department of the Bishkek City Hall, Bishkek PATP, Main Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic) in the World Café format and the presentation of international certificates.
Research internship at the Center for Technology and Society (ZTG) of the Technical University of Berlin (Germany, Berlin)
From August to October 2021, within the framework of the project “Study of sustainable urban mobility in Central Asia - SUMRICA” (01.2018 – 12.2021), funded by Volkswagen, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Transportation and Traffic Safety Altybaev Amanbek Sharshenbekovich passed research internship at the Center for Technology and Society (ZTG) of the Technical University of Berlin (Germany, Berlin).
During the internship, I studied the organization of public transport (PT) in Berlin, and as a result presented my results on the topic “Transfer of European innovative approaches to public transport to Bishkek”. The presentation identifies public safety problems in Bishkek, which are one of the main causes of traffic jams and congestion in Bishkek, and suggests some solutions, such as moving minibuses outside the central part of the city (we identified the central part of the city), identifying a point balance, dedicated lines for public transportation (the improvement is proven by a simulation model of the Bishkek road traffic segment), a unified or single ticket for all types of public transportation for one direction of travel (buses, trolleybuses and minibuses), the use of an existing railway as public transportation between cities, starting Tokmok to Kara-Balta at a certain interval, etc. All these measures not only improve the quality, safe and efficient public transport services for the population, but also reduce air pollution.
During the internship there was also a very rich cultural program; I visited many historical places, museums, etc.
April 28, 2022, Department of Transportation and Traffic Safety, Faculty of Transport and Mechanical Engineering, KSTU. I. Razzakov organized a guest lecture on the topic “Current issues of bicycle transport using the example of the city of Karlsruhe (Germany).” The lecture was presented by Jocht Eckart, professor of road ecology at the German Technical University of Karlsruhe.
He introduced the students to the areas of training of specialists at the named university and highlighted the environmental problems that the residents of Germany are dealing with. Particular attention was paid to ways to reduce harmful emissions produced by road traffic flows. As it turns out, one of the solutions to the problem of improving air quality in cities is the widespread use of bicycle transport. This is evidenced by the indicators of scientific research conducted after the implementation of a set of organizational and technical measures related to increasing the physical activity of the population of large cities.
In conclusion, the professor proposed to begin joint scientific cooperation between the two universities in the field of student mobility.
International Summer School “Road #1” Moscow, Russia
From July 4 to July 10, 2022, employees of the department “Organization of transportation and transport management” Myrzalieva A.O. and Tagaeva E.A. participated in the international summer school “Road #1”. 49 delegates from the CIS member states, the Republic of Abkhazia, the Republic of South Ossetia, the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic, the DPR and the LPR took part in the MADI summer school within the framework of the Rossotrudnichestvo “New Generation” program. Every day for a week, leading MADI teachers introduced young scientists to the activities of the faculties, gave interactive lectures, conducted seminars, master classes and business games. In addition to the educational block, excursions to industry enterprises were organized for the participants of the summer school, including the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans, the State Budgetary Institution Zelenograd Development Corporation, and the Digital Era of Transport Association. The cultural program included a visit to the exhibition “Moskvich’s Dream” at Exhibition of National Economic Achievements and a boat trip along the Moscow River. On the sidelines of the summer school, the possibilities of creating network educational programs and double degree programs, issues of training and retraining of personnel were discussed.
Research internship at the University of Applied Sciences of Karlsruhe (Germany, Karlsruhe)
The Department of "Organization of Transportation and Transport Management" (OTTM) and SPCE HUB have been collaborating since 2022. Thanks to fruitful work, it was possible to establish cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe, Germany. In 2022, employees of the OTTM department took part in a seminar in the city of Karlsruhe on promoting active mobility in cities. The seminar was attended by representatives of the Philippines, African countries, Canada, Kyrgyzstan and Germany. This project will be officially included after the successful approval of the grant from Baden Württemberg, Germany. In addition, the OTTM department managed to create cooperation with PTV Group. This company is a world leader in traffic flow modeling, and has begun cooperation in studying the route of Kyrgyzstan. It is planned to purchase a license for academic use of traffic flow modeling. This program will allow us to study traffic flows at a high level in the future and offer knowledge and scientific achievements to the Mayor’s Office of our city and the Ministry of Transport and Roads of the Kyrgyz Republic. The trip to the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences involves the exchange of experience in conducting research in the field of active mobility in cities and training, as well as the creation of possible partnerships with the Technical University of Berlin. July 31, 2023, professor of the department of OTTM Atabekov K.K. and Associate Professor of this department Muktarbek uulu Kubat completed a research internship in Berlin, Germany. During this internship, a meeting took place with new partners from TU Berlin. Further cooperation was discussed. It is planned to submit a grant to the German Federal Ministry to promote active mobility in Central Asian countries. Kyrgyzstan is an expert in this project, as we already have experience in implementing active mobility in the city of Bishkek. Agreements have been created on the future development of academic mobility of students with the University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe, Germany. We agreed on the exchange of students for summer schools for students and academic mobility of teaching staff. Issues of attracting professors to the department are being worked out.
Bishkek Active Mobility Laboratory
On October 27, 2022, a seminar of the pilot research project “Bishkek Active Mobility Laboratory” was held at the Garden Hotel Bishkek. The mayor of Bishkek, Emilbek Myrzakulovich Abdykadyrov, and the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr. Gabriela Gellil, were invited. On behalf of the project partners from Germany, Professor Jochen Eckart (Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences) and employees of the our department took part in the seminar.