Sokubasheva Elmira Kalmyrzaevna

Sokubasheva Elmira Kalmyrzaevna
Senior specialist for work with international students

2024 – Senior Specialist for Work with International Students

2023 - Engineer of the International Higher School of Logistics (IHSL) in KSTU named after I.Razzakov

2015 - “Megic media plas” Ltd. acting director

2008 - Head of the department of industrial practice of INO at BSU named after K.Karasayev

2002 - Leading specialist of Chui regional department of culture.


2000-2006 BSU named after K.Karasayev faculty “State Municipal Administration, Management.

1989-2000 Republican Secondary Specialized Music Boarding School named after M.Abdraev (violin).

Trainings and seminars:

June 2023: Training “Sustainable Public Procurement”.

 III Bishkek Forum on Logistics “Sustainable Public Procurement”.

Телефон: 54-51-51

Кабинет: 1/327


Гр.работы: 09:00-17:45