Gulnara Abdyldaeva

Gulnara Abdyldaeva
Senior Lecturer

Сurriculum vitae

Personal information

Name:                         Gulnara Abdyldaeva


Marital status:                        married, two children

Place of birth:                         Naryn region, At-Bashy village

Birthday:                                April 4, 1976


09.1996-07.1998 Master's degree

Teaching center for masters and aspirants

Kyrgyz National University, Bishkek

09.1992-07.1996 Diploma German teacher Kyrgyz National University, Bishkek


22.02.-23.02.2019 Seminar 2 Academic Language German DAAD Information Center Bishkek

11.-12.01.2019 Seminar 1 Academic Language German DAAD Information Center Bishkek

14.-15.12.2018 Seminar 2 Specialist Communication German DAAD Information Center Bishkek

16.-18.11.2018 Seminar 1 Specialist Communication German DAAD Information Center Bishkek

15.09.12-15.10.12 Gabriel S7                      

CABC, courses for the sale of airline tickets Novosibirsk, Russia  

06/16/2008- 06/21/2008 Participation in the seminar «political regional studies of Germany»

Goethe Institute in Almaty, Kazakhstan

Scool education

09.1982-06.1992 school-leaving certificate №68, Bishkek

Work experience

01.09.2017- to date German teacher German Center Kyrgyz State Technical Razzakov University, Bishkek

08.2012-03.2014 Air ticket seller

Airline ticket company “NUR”, Novosibirsk Russia

08.98 - 08.2012 German teacher at the chair for German

Institute for Linguistics         Arabaev University, Bishkek

09.1997-01.2008        1. news broadcaster at the radio show “Kabarlar”

                                  2. German teacher of the radio show “Utschimsja govorit po nemetski”

                                   National Television and Radio Corporation, Bishkek

 01.98-08.98         German teacher

                          “Meerim” Charity Foundation, Bishkek

experience abroad

03/14/2001 - 04/01/2001     Observer of the state elections

                                          Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany                         

09/14/2002 - 11/15/2002  scholarship holder of the "Lower Saxony Foundation"

                                        Hanover, Germany

06/16/2008- 06/21/2008 Participation in the seminar «political regional studies of Germany»

                                        Goethe Institute in Almaty, Kazakhstan

08.08.2012 - 17.03.2014  ticket sales   Novosibirsk, Russia

Language skills:       Kyrgyz (mother tongue) German (very good)

                                   Russian (fluent) English (good) Turkish (good)

Technical skills: Confident handling of Word, Excel and PowerPoint, Windows Basic   knowledge of book printing

Miscellaneous Category:  B driving licence

e-mail: ORCID:0000-0003-0457-8750