Zukhra Abdukarimova

Zukhra Abdukarimova
Assistent professor


Abdukarimova  Zukhra  Aubakirovna

Dates of birth:          21.10.1949г.

Marital status :          widow,  3 children

nationality :                Kazakh

education :                 higher

1967-1971 .               University of the Foreign languages, Almaty

                                German teacher .

1982г. 1983.          University  Pedagogical  of  Knowledge at FPI


1987-1988 .             computer courses at RMVC, 2 month

                                 ( certificate).

1997-1998               Automative Institut, Moscow, 4 month

                               Refresher courses  (certificate).

2001 -. 2002г.       German seminar on language regional studies

                                ( certificate).

2003                         Courses on the methods of teaching German

                                at  the  State University  Arabaev                 

2004                         English courses at the Soros Foundation

                                (certificate, «Elementary excellent»).

2006.                        Seminar, Kazakh German University through the

                                  Goethe Institute on the  topic of  «Working with

                                Special text». (certificate)



1971-1976               German teacher at the pedagogical school,

                                Kazakhstan,,  city  Jarkent

1976-1981 .              German teacher at the school №23, Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek

e-mail: z.abdukarimova@kstu.kg ORCID:0000-0003-2935-389X