March 18, 2020 at the Department of Logistics, KSTU named after I. Razzakov, a meeting of the new staff of UMO No. 9 was held with the introduction of the new staff, the members of which were the head of the section head. Department of Logistics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Umetaliev A.S., Deputy Head of Section Associate Professor Kydykov A.A., Head of the Department of Automobile Transport Davlyatov UR, Professor of the Department of Engineering Technology Omuraliev U. K., Head of the Department of Roads, Ministry of Transport and Roads of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bariev Y.Zh., Chairman of the Association of Carriers and Logistics of the Kyrgyz Republic Shabdanaliev T.M., General Director of the logistics company “Maximum Logistik Company” Atavaliev F.Z., Director of Oscar Auto LLC "A. Shamyraliev, Logistics Manager, LLC Gallery Mukanov TA Art. teacher Daniyarova B.D.
Based on the results of the presentations and discussions, competencies, recommendations and requirements of employers were developed for hiring a modern logistician demanded in the labor market: knowledge of optimization methods and models in supply chains, decision-making in conditions of logistical risks, knowledge of regulatory documents for the transportation of international goods, skills work with government bodies, concluding contracts, the ability to understand visa issues and border crossings, modeling complex logistics systems using modern SCM application software products and information and computer technologies. Taking into account the proposed recommendations and suggestions, the composition of the ULA decided to amend the OOP of the direction 580600 “Logistics”.