Нусупова Н.К

Nusupova Nazira Kuralbekovna

Nusupova Nazira Kuralbekovna
assistant professor

Nusupova Nazira Kuralbekovna

assistant professor


1994-1998 - Kyrgyz State National University, Faculty of Economics and Management, Bachelor of Economics

1998-1999 - Kyrgyz State National University, Faculty of Economics and Management, Certified economist in Finanse and Banking

2005 – 2009 - Institute of Social Development and Entrepreneurship, Postgraduate, 08.00.01 - "Economic Theory"


06.11.2013  - defense of a dissertation for the academic title of candidate of economic sciences at the Institute of Economics. J. Alyshbaev of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, specialty 08.00.01 - economic theory


27.03.2014 - awarded the degree of candidate of economic sciences

2.06.2022 - awarded the title of Associate Professor in the specialty "Economics"

Professional experience:

September 2022 - to the present - assistant professor at the Department of Economics and Enterprise Management of Kyrgyz State Technical University n.a. I. Razzakov

November 2014 - September 2022 - Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management at the Enterprise, KSUSTA named after. N.Isanova

October 2005 – November 2014 - Lecturer, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Economics and Enterprise Management of Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture named after N. Isanov

Training courses:

Completed more than 10 advanced training courses

Teaching lectures:

Mathematical methods and models in economics


Supply and distribution logistics

Economic fundamentals of logistics and supply chain management


Mathematical economics

Econometrics (Advanced)

Macroeconomics (Advanced)

Economic security

Profiles in scientific databases:

Web of Science: 


Google Scholar:

Назира Нусупова


Nazira Nusupova




Нусупова Назира

Research Gate:

Nazira Nusupova


Телефон: 54-57-15

Кабинет: 401 room

e-mail: n.nusupova@kstu.kg

Гр.работы: from 10.00.-16.00.

Стаж работы: 17 years