Мааданбекова М.Ж.

Maadanbekova Mairamkul Zholomanovna
docent's m.a.

Educational background:

1991-1996 - Kyrgyz Institute of Architecture and Construction, Faculty of Economics and Management, specialty "Economics and Management of Construction", engineer-economist qualification

2006-2008 - Master's degree of N.Isanova KMKTAU, Master's degree in "Economics"

Work experience:

September 2022 - until now - I. Razzakov, acting associate professor at the Department of "Economics and Enterprise Management" of the Kyrgyz State Technical University, 2017-2022 - senior lecturer at the Department of "Economics and Enterprise Management", 2002-2017 - senior lecturer at the Department of "World Economy" , September 1998-2002 - teacher at the "World Economy" department, 1996 -1998 teacher at the "Accounting and Audit" department

Higher education in the last 5 years:

Has more than 5 certificates:

January 2020 training course within the framework of the "Educational Programs Accreditation" program. Self-esteem”. "Bilim Standard" independent accreditation agency;

May 26, 2020 "Modern trends in additional professional education: from understanding to implementation";

25.01-08.02.2021 72-hour advanced training course in "Engineering pedagogy";

26.04-07.05.2022 72-hour advanced training course "Skills in computer applications;"

November 3-5, 2022 "Basic STEM Teaching Methodology," 36-hour course, Lingua Innovative Education Foundation.

Lessons taught:



Geography of Kyrgyzstan

Awards received:

2017 N. Certificate of Honor of Isanov Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture

2021 Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic

Work experience:

Total: 27 years

Pedagogical: 27 years

Profiles in scientific databases:

Web of Science:        HРС-5055-2023

Google Scholar:        Mairam Maadanbekova

Scopus:                      Mairam Maadanbekova

ORCID:                     https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0009-0008-8547-5262

Elibrary:                    mairam.maadanbekova

ResearchGate:          Mairam Maadanbekova


Телефон: 54-57-15

Кабинет: 401 room

e-mail: mairam.maadanbekova@kstu.kg

Гр.работы: from 10.00-16.00.

Стаж работы: Total: 27 years Pedagogical: 27 years