HSEB events, timed to coincide with the Decade of Science
KSTU named after I. Razzakov
Scientific research work
HSEB events, timed to coincide with the Decade of Science
Open classes of the chair "Metrology and Standardization", timed to the "Decade of Science
12.10.2022 d.t., professor of subdepartment "MiS" Almatov M.Z. held an open lesson on the theme: "Quality Management and Quality Management System", involved teachers of subdepartment M&S, students from 1-4 years of HSE and Technology Institute, employees of Kyrgyzstanstandart, Deputy Director of HSE on educational work
On October 13, 2022 senior lecturer R.Sh. Khalov conducted an open lesson on the theme: "Statistical tools for quality management", involved teachers of the Department of MIS, students from 1-4 years of EShEib and Institute of Technology and employees of Kyrgyzstandart. Employees of Kyrgyzstandart noted the relevance of the topic considered by Khalov R.Sh. and answered students' questions about the activities of Kyrgyzstandart. Employees of Kyrgyzstandart conducted an excursion to the laboratories of the Department of MIS and demonstrated the stand of the installation of scientific work Khalov R.Sh.
17.10.2022 - associate professor a.i. Shalabay T.L. held an open lesson on the theme: "The national system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements", attended by teachers of the Department of Misters and students 1-4 years of ES&E and Institute of Technology, employees of Kyrgyzstanstandart and Deputy Director of ES&E on educational work. The staff of the Department of MIS and representatives of Kyrgyzstandart discussed current issues on standardization, metrology and quality management in order to improve the quality of training of specialists.
Celebration of the 95th anniversary of KYRGYZSTANDART
24.10.2022 was a great date for all metrologists and standardizers of the Kyrgyz Republic - 95th anniversary of KYRGYZSTANDART! Department "Metrology and Standardization" also participated in the anniversary events of Kyrgyzstandart. Group SSM-1-19 was awarded the 1st degree diploma among students of universities for the best poster on standardization.
In a solemn and festive atmosphere in the hall of the Historical Museum met metrologists and standardizers, workers of metrological services and quality assessment of products. It was a real forum, which celebrated the contribution of many specialists in metrology, standardization and product quality assurance in Kyrgyzstan.
The representatives of the chair Metrology and Standardization were also awarded: Prof. M.Z. Almatov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, was awarded a breastplate "For merits in Standardization and Metrology", a diploma and valuable gifts. Shalabay T.L., associate professor of sub-faculty MIS and Khalov R.Sh., senior teacher were also awarded by diplomas and valuable gifts.
Participation in the International scientific-practical conference "Role of science and innovative technologies in the sustainable development of mountain regions and ecosystems
27.10.2022 from 13.00 to 15.30 the section number 8 "Effective and Sustainable Development of the Economic Environment" was held according to the program of the International Scientific Conference "The role of science and innovative technologies in sustainable development of mountain territories and ecosystems.
The Chairman of the section - Sherbekova A.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor of KSUCTA named after N.Isanov welcomed the conference participants and noted the importance of innovative technologies in the development of the economy of Kyrgyzstan, as well as familiarized them with the rules of the sectional work of the conference. Vice-Chairperson - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor. K. Sydykova also welcomed the participants of the conference and wished them good luck in the work of the section.
The conference program included 12 out of 16 reports presented in the conference program; 1 participant (candidate of economic sciences, docent I.G. Kuznetsova) from SamSTU (Russian Federation) took part in the conference. Online videoconferencing was organized for external participants. Four reports were prepared and heard in the state language.
All the materials presented at the conference reflected current trends in economic development. Their importance was determined by active discussions on each report, during which there were many questions requiring in-depth study and further research.
Participation in the International scientific-theoretical and practical conference "Problems of development of accounting and information and audit and control system in the Eurasian countries in conditions of digitalization, transformation and threats to economic security".
October 28, 2022 Dr. Sherbekova, Ph. Ryspaeva A.S., senior lecturer Imanbekova Ch.O., lecturer Omutkulova Z.A, and other teachers of the department "BUAA" took part in the International scientific-theoretical and practical conference "Problems of accounting and information and audit-control system development in the Eurasian countries in terms of digitalisation, transformation and threats to economic security", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Israilov Mukash, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honoured Economist of the Kyrgyz Republic, Head of the Department of Accounting and Audit of the Kyrgyz Republic, Doctor of Science, professor. Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit of the B. Yeltsin KRSU, President of the Issyk-Kul Forum of BACA.
The purpose of the conference was to discuss current, theoretical and practical problems of accounting and information and audit and control systems, financial security, corruption risks, as well as identifying the prospects for their development in the context of globalization and digitalization of the economy and deepening integration processes in the Eurasian space.
D. in Economics, Professor A.A. Sherbekova made a congratulatory speech and noted the outstanding services and invaluable contribution of the jubilee to the national science, wished health, prosperity and new creative successes!
At the sectional meeting of the conference the teaching staff of the BUAA Department presented the following scientific reports:
1. Sherbekova A.A. - The role of digitalization in the management of the construction market of the Kyrgyz Republic;
Imanbekova Ch.O. - Modern innovations in the tax system of the Kyrgyz Republic;
Z.A. Omutkulova - Methodological aspects of rating assessment in construction.
Materials of the conference will be published in the journal "Izvestiya Issyk-Kul Forum of Accountants and Auditors of Central Asia".
The conference on the 95th anniversary of Kyrgyzstandart
31.10.2022 in honor of the professional holiday - the 95th anniversary of Kyrgyzstandart held at the Department of Metrology and Standardization "mini conference, which was attended by students 1-4 courses HSE&B and Institute of Technology, as well as teachers of the department. Students made scientific presentations on topical issues of standardization and metrology. In addition, there were shown video materials from the forum of the anniversary celebration of Kyrgyzstandart.
Formation of scientific student communities
From 1 to 3 November 2022 the teaching staff of the Department of "BUAA" held meetings with students of 3-4 years to form scientific communities in the organization of scientific research. The goal and objectives, the stages of research work of students, the directions in which the scientific activities of students and their supervisors will be conducted, were outlined. It is important to note that the organization of research work of students by forming such communities allows the teaching staff in time to discern the abilities and potential of students and motivate them to take more serious steps in the scientific field.
The heads of the scientific communities are the teachers of the "BUAA" department, who have a degree. A community can bring together both group, course, and profile members. Since this is the first steps in the research work of students, the goals set before its participants are uncomplicated. Basically, it is the preparation of reports and articles, the best of which are recommended to student scientific-practical conferences, competitions, exhibitions.
Professional development course "Using STEM in teaching economic disciplines (application of business models)".
3.11 - 5.11. 2022 B. Sulaimanova, professor of "EBM" chair held a training course "The use of STEM in the teaching of economic subjects (the application of business models)" (32 hours) to improve the skills of the HSE&B teachers. The classes were held in classroom 1/412 of KSTU. The courses were aimed at using the STEM methods, critical thinking in economics classes. The basis of the classes were:
- creation of business models when conducting lessons;
- development and presentation of the national product (creativity + engineering + technology + mathematics);
- application of marketing approaches and tools in the construction of business models (application of cards and drawings);
- use of the UMEDR method (installation - thoughts - emotions - actions - results) when planning and conducting lessons;
- systematization of all interrelations and generalization of the passed material.
The teachers of the department "BUAA" and "EUP" of HSE&B took an active part in the lessons and showed their creative abilities in combination with their pedagogical skills. Certificates of professional development were awarded after the end of the "Decade of Science" in KSTU named after I. Razzakov in an official atmosphere.
Master-class of E.I. Murzayeva E.I., associate professor. Murzalieva E.I. on the topic "How to write a scientific article?
4.11.2022 at 13.00 in the N.Isanov campus (aud.3/409) by Candidate of Economic Sciences, associated professor of the department "BUAA" Murzayeva E.I. "BBAA" Murzalieva E.I. conducted a master class "How to write a scientific article?", which was attended by undergraduates and students of 3-4 years of HSEiM. The aim of the event was to familiarize students with the basic principles, rules and requirements of writing scientific articles. During the master class the lecturer outlined the main reasons why it is necessary to have skills in writing scientific articles, the areas where these skills can be applied, scientific publications in which the results of their research can be published, the impact of students' scientific activities on the possibility of obtaining an increased scholarship and other issues.
The students were given a presentation in which, by the example of their own articles, the c.e.s., associate professor Murzayeva E.I. was presented. Murzalieva E.I. reflected detailed information about the typology of scientific publications, stages of research work, the structure of a scientific article, including relevance and novelty of the work, purpose, objectives of research, the main part of the work, the conclusion.
In general, the master-class was conducted at a sufficiently high level, contained a lot of useful information and aroused lively interest of the audience.
"Round table" dedicated to the decade of the week of science on the theme "Strategic development of green economy in the regions of the Kyrgyz Republic".
4.11. 2022 in KSTU named after Razzakov held a "Round table", dedicated to the ten-day week of science on the theme "Strategic development of green economy in the regions of the Kyrgyz Republic", organized by the Department of "Management" HSE&B. Active participation was attended by the rector of the university, faculty of the department, students, undergraduates, graduate students and invited partners and guests of the department, namely representatives of the Russian university (online) - SamSTU, LLC "Gazpromneft", ALE "Green Alliance of Kyrgyzstan", "02 Development"-construction company, LLC "Dan Agro Products", LLC "Union of Banks", LLC "ESG Zenral Asia", Center for agricultural support "Bai Dykan", Fund for State Property Management and others.
The speeches of the heads of enterprises and CBOs were informative and relevant, and caused a number of concerns and disputes on many environmental, economic and social issues on waste, exhaust fumes, pollution and safety and health of the population. At the end of the event, a resolution on the results of the issues discussed was presented. At the end of the round table, participants long to argue and argue about the painful problems and their solutions to the problems of "green economy" and its strategic development, not only in the city, but also in several regions of our country. At the end of the fruitful work a number of agreements and memorandums were signed with the heads of organizations and the Department of "Management" HSE&B KSTU in joint work with students, which will bring tangible results in the preparation of professionals in demand in the labor market.
Master's readings of undergraduates Department of "Management
9.11 - 10.11, 2022 at 16.00 in the Department of "Management" HSE&B KSTU I. Razzakov conducted master's reading of graduate students of the Department. At this event were invited undergraduates in all areas of the Department. There was conducted preliminary work with undergraduates of 1 and 2 courses of the Department on the themes of master's dissertations, prequalifying practices, preparation for the SAC and work with supervisors. Reading master's dissertations allowed performers to express their scientific work, its relevance, practical significance and the solution to the goals and objectives of the study, the implementation of ways to improve the problems posed to the researcher. Master's students made their reports and presentations on the researched topics, which aroused interest and controversy in a number of research sections. Not only undergraduates, but also professors and participants of the event took an active part in the discussion in the online format.
Master-class of Doctor of Economics, prof. Sherbekova A.A. and associate professor Abdyldaeva U.M. on "Dissertation research of applicants for the degree of Ph.D.: questions and answers".
10.11.2022 at 15.00 hours at the Isanov campus (aud. 3/409) there was held a master class on the topic "Thesis research of candidates for a scientific degree of Ph.D.: questions and answers" for young scientists, graduate students and applicants of Higher School of Economics and Bioethics, Sherbekova A.A. This event was aimed at acquainting PhD candidates in economics with the technology of dissertation work and its organizational components.
During the master class a lot of useful information was presented, which includes regulatory legal acts that need to be followed by applicants, the structure of a thesis, the sequence of writing a thesis, criteria and requirements for dissertation research, registration rules on the website of the NAC KR, a list of documents submitted to the dissertation council, and much more.
Attendees of the master class asked questions about the choice of tools and methods of research, the difficulties encountered by applicants when writing a dissertation and the reasons for their occurrence. At the end of the master class teachers expressed their gratitude to Dr. Sherbekova and associate professor Abdyldaeva A.A. for such an important and informative talk, which clarified some points of dissertation research.
Meeting of Faculty and Students with ISE Department Partners from South Korea
10.11.2022 at 13-00 in aud. 1/404 was a meeting of faculty and students of IPE with partners of Chair of IPE Sang-su Kim (employee of the National Research Center (NRF) of South Korea) and Daechul Park, Professor Emeritus of Hannam University, South Korea.
The guests made presentations during the meeting. At the end of the meeting, the department discussed further cooperation between the department and its partners.
1. Sangsoo Kim of the National Research Center (NRF) of South Korea, the topic of the report was "What can we create in real life with IT technologies?
The emergence of stationary and mobile computers (smartphones, tablets, laptops), and their user's access to the Internet today plays a huge role in human development, and, accordingly, in the culture of society. Much of the information is accessible and free - you can, without leaving your home, engage in self-education: learn to draw or play a musical instrument (even if you can't buy a real one, you can use a virtual one).
Culture and creativity are now closer to the common people: practically any talented person can write a good book or composition, and you don't have to come from a rich and noble family for your work to be recognized. The simplicity and accessibility of information has made a huge step in human development. New professions and jobs have replaced the old ones: manager, programmer, designer, marketer, moderator, etc.
2.Daechul Park, Professor Emeritus of Hannam University in South Korea, the topic of his report Introduction of digital technology in education.
In his report, he focused on the use of Artificial Intelligence in education, medicine, agriculture, military industry, etc. Creating chatbots with artificial intelligence, using available cloud technologies such as Dialogflow from Google, Lex from Amazon and Virtual Agent from Microsoft, to name a few.
Applications of drone technology are already diverse and used in a variety of industries.
A new study shows that the COVID-19 response has accelerated digital adoption by several years, and that many of these changes could be a long time in coming. Using the latest technology to address health and well-being crises ranges from identifying symptoms early, to accessing health services and facilities, to monitoring recoveries, to tracking deaths.
Participation in the International Scientific-Practical Conference in SamSTU (Russia)
10.11.2022 the 2nd day of the International Scientific and Practical Conference at SamSTU (Russia) with the participation of our colleagues from the Department of "Management" HSE&B. Speakers' presentations revealed the essence of all aspects of the "green economy", namely: digitalization in the economy, information technology in services and management, the creation of economic security and human resource management problems. Speaking colleagues told about a number of their studies in the construction industry, tourism, agriculture and other industries. From the point of view of problems of our country many questions were in comparison with Russian enterprises and firms, analysis and experience of given material. A number of speeches were subjected to questions and additions of deeper understanding of the essence of research problems. And today online meeting with partners from Russian and other foreign countries proved that such frequent joint conferences of interuniversity space in cooperation and commonwealth of understanding and support in education and education of a new generation of young professionals are necessary. All participants were pleased to participate in such a scientific event.
Master class of Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Tsybov N.N. for undergraduate and graduate students on "Psychological factors affecting the effective perception of new knowledge
11.11.2022 at 13.00 at the campus № 2 N. Isanov, aud.1/309 on the program devoted to the Day of Science conducted master class of associate professor N. Tsybov for undergraduate and graduate students on "Psychological factors affecting the effectiveness of the perception of new knowledge. Students, undergraduates and curators of groups were invited.
The report was devoted to the problem of continuous improvement of professional skills of specialists of any profiles, because technological progress contributes to the annual change of ranges of consumer products and to create such new products with new qualities requires continuous training. And for this purpose new qualitative technologies of perception and human processing of great volumes of information are necessary. Students were presented with the results of the latest research in the field of human perception patterns and methods of tuning the consciousness to perceive and assimilate large volumes of new information.
KSTU named after I. Razzakov Faculties IEF Scientific research work HSEB events, timed to coincide with the Decade of Science
Open classes of the chair "Metrology and Standardization", timed to the "Decade of Science
12.10.2022 d.t., professor of subdepartment "MiS" Almatov M.Z. held an open lesson on the theme: "Quality Management and Quality Management System", involved teachers of subdepartment M&S, students from 1-4 years of HSE and Technology Institute, employees of Kyrgyzstanstandart, Deputy Director of HSE on educational work
On October 13, 2022 senior lecturer R.Sh. Khalov conducted an open lesson on the theme: "Statistical tools for quality management", involved teachers of the Department of MIS, students from 1-4 years of EShEib and Institute of Technology and employees of Kyrgyzstandart. Employees of Kyrgyzstandart noted the relevance of the topic considered by Khalov R.Sh. and answered students' questions about the activities of Kyrgyzstandart. Employees of Kyrgyzstandart conducted an excursion to the laboratories of the Department of MIS and demonstrated the stand of the installation of scientific work Khalov R.Sh.
17.10.2022 - associate professor a.i. Shalabay T.L. held an open lesson on the theme: "The national system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements", attended by teachers of the Department of Misters and students 1-4 years of ES&E and Institute of Technology, employees of Kyrgyzstanstandart and Deputy Director of ES&E on educational work. The staff of the Department of MIS and representatives of Kyrgyzstandart discussed current issues on standardization, metrology and quality management in order to improve the quality of training of specialists.
Celebration of the 95th anniversary of KYRGYZSTANDART
24.10.2022 was a great date for all metrologists and standardizers of the Kyrgyz Republic - 95th anniversary of KYRGYZSTANDART! Department "Metrology and Standardization" also participated in the anniversary events of Kyrgyzstandart. Group SSM-1-19 was awarded the 1st degree diploma among students of universities for the best poster on standardization.
In a solemn and festive atmosphere in the hall of the Historical Museum met metrologists and standardizers, workers of metrological services and quality assessment of products. It was a real forum, which celebrated the contribution of many specialists in metrology, standardization and product quality assurance in Kyrgyzstan.
The representatives of the chair Metrology and Standardization were also awarded: Prof. M.Z. Almatov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, was awarded a breastplate "For merits in Standardization and Metrology", a diploma and valuable gifts. Shalabay T.L., associate professor of sub-faculty MIS and Khalov R.Sh., senior teacher were also awarded by diplomas and valuable gifts.
Participation in the International scientific-practical conference "Role of science and innovative technologies in the sustainable development of mountain regions and ecosystems
27.10.2022 from 13.00 to 15.30 the section number 8 "Effective and Sustainable Development of the Economic Environment" was held according to the program of the International Scientific Conference "The role of science and innovative technologies in sustainable development of mountain territories and ecosystems.
The Chairman of the section - Sherbekova A.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor of KSUCTA named after N.Isanov welcomed the conference participants and noted the importance of innovative technologies in the development of the economy of Kyrgyzstan, as well as familiarized them with the rules of the sectional work of the conference. Vice-Chairperson - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor. K. Sydykova also welcomed the participants of the conference and wished them good luck in the work of the section.
The conference program included 12 out of 16 reports presented in the conference program; 1 participant (candidate of economic sciences, docent I.G. Kuznetsova) from SamSTU (Russian Federation) took part in the conference. Online videoconferencing was organized for external participants. Four reports were prepared and heard in the state language.
All the materials presented at the conference reflected current trends in economic development. Their importance was determined by active discussions on each report, during which there were many questions requiring in-depth study and further research.
Participation in the International scientific-theoretical and practical conference "Problems of development of accounting and information and audit and control system in the Eurasian countries in conditions of digitalization, transformation and threats to economic security".
October 28, 2022 Dr. Sherbekova, Ph. Ryspaeva A.S., senior lecturer Imanbekova Ch.O., lecturer Omutkulova Z.A, and other teachers of the department "BUAA" took part in the International scientific-theoretical and practical conference "Problems of accounting and information and audit-control system development in the Eurasian countries in terms of digitalisation, transformation and threats to economic security", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Israilov Mukash, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honoured Economist of the Kyrgyz Republic, Head of the Department of Accounting and Audit of the Kyrgyz Republic, Doctor of Science, professor. Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit of the B. Yeltsin KRSU, President of the Issyk-Kul Forum of BACA.
The purpose of the conference was to discuss current, theoretical and practical problems of accounting and information and audit and control systems, financial security, corruption risks, as well as identifying the prospects for their development in the context of globalization and digitalization of the economy and deepening integration processes in the Eurasian space.
D. in Economics, Professor A.A. Sherbekova made a congratulatory speech and noted the outstanding services and invaluable contribution of the jubilee to the national science, wished health, prosperity and new creative successes!
At the sectional meeting of the conference the teaching staff of the BUAA Department presented the following scientific reports:
1. Sherbekova A.A. - The role of digitalization in the management of the construction market of the Kyrgyz Republic;
Imanbekova Ch.O. - Modern innovations in the tax system of the Kyrgyz Republic;
Z.A. Omutkulova - Methodological aspects of rating assessment in construction.
Materials of the conference will be published in the journal "Izvestiya Issyk-Kul Forum of Accountants and Auditors of Central Asia".
The conference on the 95th anniversary of Kyrgyzstandart
31.10.2022 in honor of the professional holiday - the 95th anniversary of Kyrgyzstandart held at the Department of Metrology and Standardization "mini conference, which was attended by students 1-4 courses HSE&B and Institute of Technology, as well as teachers of the department. Students made scientific presentations on topical issues of standardization and metrology. In addition, there were shown video materials from the forum of the anniversary celebration of Kyrgyzstandart.
Formation of scientific student communities
From 1 to 3 November 2022 the teaching staff of the Department of "BUAA" held meetings with students of 3-4 years to form scientific communities in the organization of scientific research. The goal and objectives, the stages of research work of students, the directions in which the scientific activities of students and their supervisors will be conducted, were outlined. It is important to note that the organization of research work of students by forming such communities allows the teaching staff in time to discern the abilities and potential of students and motivate them to take more serious steps in the scientific field.
The heads of the scientific communities are the teachers of the "BUAA" department, who have a degree. A community can bring together both group, course, and profile members. Since this is the first steps in the research work of students, the goals set before its participants are uncomplicated. Basically, it is the preparation of reports and articles, the best of which are recommended to student scientific-practical conferences, competitions, exhibitions.
Professional development course "Using STEM in teaching economic disciplines (application of business models)".
3.11 - 5.11. 2022 B. Sulaimanova, professor of "EBM" chair held a training course "The use of STEM in the teaching of economic subjects (the application of business models)" (32 hours) to improve the skills of the HSE&B teachers. The classes were held in classroom 1/412 of KSTU. The courses were aimed at using the STEM methods, critical thinking in economics classes. The basis of the classes were:
- creation of business models when conducting lessons;
- development and presentation of the national product (creativity + engineering + technology + mathematics);
- application of marketing approaches and tools in the construction of business models (application of cards and drawings);
- use of the UMEDR method (installation - thoughts - emotions - actions - results) when planning and conducting lessons;
- systematization of all interrelations and generalization of the passed material.
The teachers of the department "BUAA" and "EUP" of HSE&B took an active part in the lessons and showed their creative abilities in combination with their pedagogical skills. Certificates of professional development were awarded after the end of the "Decade of Science" in KSTU named after I. Razzakov in an official atmosphere.
Master-class of E.I. Murzayeva E.I., associate professor. Murzalieva E.I. on the topic "How to write a scientific article?
4.11.2022 at 13.00 in the N.Isanov campus (aud.3/409) by Candidate of Economic Sciences, associated professor of the department "BUAA" Murzayeva E.I. "BBAA" Murzalieva E.I. conducted a master class "How to write a scientific article?", which was attended by undergraduates and students of 3-4 years of HSEiM. The aim of the event was to familiarize students with the basic principles, rules and requirements of writing scientific articles. During the master class the lecturer outlined the main reasons why it is necessary to have skills in writing scientific articles, the areas where these skills can be applied, scientific publications in which the results of their research can be published, the impact of students' scientific activities on the possibility of obtaining an increased scholarship and other issues.
The students were given a presentation in which, by the example of their own articles, the c.e.s., associate professor Murzayeva E.I. was presented. Murzalieva E.I. reflected detailed information about the typology of scientific publications, stages of research work, the structure of a scientific article, including relevance and novelty of the work, purpose, objectives of research, the main part of the work, the conclusion.
In general, the master-class was conducted at a sufficiently high level, contained a lot of useful information and aroused lively interest of the audience.
"Round table" dedicated to the decade of the week of science on the theme "Strategic development of green economy in the regions of the Kyrgyz Republic".
4.11. 2022 in KSTU named after Razzakov held a "Round table", dedicated to the ten-day week of science on the theme "Strategic development of green economy in the regions of the Kyrgyz Republic", organized by the Department of "Management" HSE&B. Active participation was attended by the rector of the university, faculty of the department, students, undergraduates, graduate students and invited partners and guests of the department, namely representatives of the Russian university (online) - SamSTU, LLC "Gazpromneft", ALE "Green Alliance of Kyrgyzstan", "02 Development"-construction company, LLC "Dan Agro Products", LLC "Union of Banks", LLC "ESG Zenral Asia", Center for agricultural support "Bai Dykan", Fund for State Property Management and others.
The speeches of the heads of enterprises and CBOs were informative and relevant, and caused a number of concerns and disputes on many environmental, economic and social issues on waste, exhaust fumes, pollution and safety and health of the population. At the end of the event, a resolution on the results of the issues discussed was presented. At the end of the round table, participants long to argue and argue about the painful problems and their solutions to the problems of "green economy" and its strategic development, not only in the city, but also in several regions of our country. At the end of the fruitful work a number of agreements and memorandums were signed with the heads of organizations and the Department of "Management" HSE&B KSTU in joint work with students, which will bring tangible results in the preparation of professionals in demand in the labor market.
Master's readings of undergraduates Department of "Management
9.11 - 10.11, 2022 at 16.00 in the Department of "Management" HSE&B KSTU I. Razzakov conducted master's reading of graduate students of the Department. At this event were invited undergraduates in all areas of the Department. There was conducted preliminary work with undergraduates of 1 and 2 courses of the Department on the themes of master's dissertations, prequalifying practices, preparation for the SAC and work with supervisors. Reading master's dissertations allowed performers to express their scientific work, its relevance, practical significance and the solution to the goals and objectives of the study, the implementation of ways to improve the problems posed to the researcher. Master's students made their reports and presentations on the researched topics, which aroused interest and controversy in a number of research sections. Not only undergraduates, but also professors and participants of the event took an active part in the discussion in the online format.
Master-class of Doctor of Economics, prof. Sherbekova A.A. and associate professor Abdyldaeva U.M. on "Dissertation research of applicants for the degree of Ph.D.: questions and answers".
10.11.2022 at 15.00 hours at the Isanov campus (aud. 3/409) there was held a master class on the topic "Thesis research of candidates for a scientific degree of Ph.D.: questions and answers" for young scientists, graduate students and applicants of Higher School of Economics and Bioethics, Sherbekova A.A. This event was aimed at acquainting PhD candidates in economics with the technology of dissertation work and its organizational components.
During the master class a lot of useful information was presented, which includes regulatory legal acts that need to be followed by applicants, the structure of a thesis, the sequence of writing a thesis, criteria and requirements for dissertation research, registration rules on the website of the NAC KR, a list of documents submitted to the dissertation council, and much more.
Attendees of the master class asked questions about the choice of tools and methods of research, the difficulties encountered by applicants when writing a dissertation and the reasons for their occurrence. At the end of the master class teachers expressed their gratitude to Dr. Sherbekova and associate professor Abdyldaeva A.A. for such an important and informative talk, which clarified some points of dissertation research.
Meeting of Faculty and Students with ISE Department Partners from South Korea
10.11.2022 at 13-00 in aud. 1/404 was a meeting of faculty and students of IPE with partners of Chair of IPE Sang-su Kim (employee of the National Research Center (NRF) of South Korea) and Daechul Park, Professor Emeritus of Hannam University, South Korea.
The guests made presentations during the meeting. At the end of the meeting, the department discussed further cooperation between the department and its partners.
1. Sangsoo Kim of the National Research Center (NRF) of South Korea, the topic of the report was "What can we create in real life with IT technologies?
The emergence of stationary and mobile computers (smartphones, tablets, laptops), and their user's access to the Internet today plays a huge role in human development, and, accordingly, in the culture of society. Much of the information is accessible and free - you can, without leaving your home, engage in self-education: learn to draw or play a musical instrument (even if you can't buy a real one, you can use a virtual one).
Culture and creativity are now closer to the common people: practically any talented person can write a good book or composition, and you don't have to come from a rich and noble family for your work to be recognized. The simplicity and accessibility of information has made a huge step in human development. New professions and jobs have replaced the old ones: manager, programmer, designer, marketer, moderator, etc.
2.Daechul Park, Professor Emeritus of Hannam University in South Korea, the topic of his report Introduction of digital technology in education.
In his report, he focused on the use of Artificial Intelligence in education, medicine, agriculture, military industry, etc. Creating chatbots with artificial intelligence, using available cloud technologies such as Dialogflow from Google, Lex from Amazon and Virtual Agent from Microsoft, to name a few.
Applications of drone technology are already diverse and used in a variety of industries.
A new study shows that the COVID-19 response has accelerated digital adoption by several years, and that many of these changes could be a long time in coming. Using the latest technology to address health and well-being crises ranges from identifying symptoms early, to accessing health services and facilities, to monitoring recoveries, to tracking deaths.
Participation in the International Scientific-Practical Conference in SamSTU (Russia)
10.11.2022 the 2nd day of the International Scientific and Practical Conference at SamSTU (Russia) with the participation of our colleagues from the Department of "Management" HSE&B. Speakers' presentations revealed the essence of all aspects of the "green economy", namely: digitalization in the economy, information technology in services and management, the creation of economic security and human resource management problems. Speaking colleagues told about a number of their studies in the construction industry, tourism, agriculture and other industries. From the point of view of problems of our country many questions were in comparison with Russian enterprises and firms, analysis and experience of given material. A number of speeches were subjected to questions and additions of deeper understanding of the essence of research problems. And today online meeting with partners from Russian and other foreign countries proved that such frequent joint conferences of interuniversity space in cooperation and commonwealth of understanding and support in education and education of a new generation of young professionals are necessary. All participants were pleased to participate in such a scientific event.
Master class of Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Tsybov N.N. for undergraduate and graduate students on "Psychological factors affecting the effective perception of new knowledge
11.11.2022 at 13.00 at the campus № 2 N. Isanov, aud.1/309 on the program devoted to the Day of Science conducted master class of associate professor N. Tsybov for undergraduate and graduate students on "Psychological factors affecting the effectiveness of the perception of new knowledge. Students, undergraduates and curators of groups were invited.
The report was devoted to the problem of continuous improvement of professional skills of specialists of any profiles, because technological progress contributes to the annual change of ranges of consumer products and to create such new products with new qualities requires continuous training. And for this purpose new qualitative technologies of perception and human processing of great volumes of information are necessary. Students were presented with the results of the latest research in the field of human perception patterns and methods of tuning the consciousness to perceive and assimilate large volumes of new information.