In order to effectively cooperate with the departments of the Graduate School of Economics and Business with representatives of industrial and professional organizations in the areas of training and implementation of basic educational programs for Bachelors and Masters, the Industry Councils in the areas were created. The creation of Industry Councils is aimed at strengthening connections between HSEB departments and their educational programs and industry. Industry representatives regularly participate in round tables, seminars, questionnaires and SQA meetings. The Industry Councils consist of the director, the head of the graduate department, the heads of educational programs, as well as representatives of the leading industries of the respective industries. At the meetings of the Branch Councils it is planned to discuss the issues of improving the quality of educational programs, curricula, competences of graduates, issues related to the strengthening of the practical component in the knowledge of graduates, their computer literacy, employment, etc.
Rector's order № 49 of March 15, 2023.
Industry Councils in the directions of the composition:
580100 «Economics»
Sydykova Ch.K. - Director of the Higher School of Economics of KSTU named after I.Razzakov
Minkeyev E.I. - General Director of Avangard Style Construction Company Ltd;
Konokbaev D.T. - Deputy Chairman of the Board on providing organizational activities of Kyrgyzaltyn OJSC.
Omurova S.K. - Director of Semetei Branch of JSCB Kyrgyzstan
Rahimdinova S.T. - General Director of Finsalt LLC
Abykeev E.Sh. - Deputy General Director of "ATN Polis" Insurance Company
Samudinova D.A. - Chief accountant of "Kamkor" Ltd.
Kasymova V.M. - Member of STC of the Ministry of Energy and Fuel Resources of the KR.
Moldokmatov U.N. - Internal auditor of "Smart Generation" PF
Sherbekova A.A. - Head of the Department "BUAA", head of the OOP, KSTU named after I. Razzakov
Nusupova N.K. - Associate Professor, Department of "E&ME", Chairman of the GMC of HSEB, KSTU named after I. Razzakov
580200 «Management»; 580700 «Business management»
Sydykova Ch.K. - Director of the Higher School of Economics of KSTU named after I.Razzakov
Orozbayev K.K. - General Director of Amanat Stroy LLC
Kadyrov A.S. - Chairman of the Board of "Green Alliance" LLC
Turdumambetova E.D. - Director of MFKR Training Center
Imankulova E.T. - Head of Department "Management" of KSTU named after I.Razzakov
581000 «Marketing»; «Economic security»
Sydykova Ch.K. - Director of the Higher School of Economics at KSTU named after I.Razzakov
Amankulov B.A. - Director of IOI
Sayakbaev T.J. - Head of strategic analysis and risk assessment department of the State Financial Intelligence Service under the KR Ministry of Finance
Urmanbetov D. - The head of marketing department of IC "Avangard style".
Samudinova D.A. - Chief accountant of "Kamkor" Ltd.
Akimbekov M.U. - Head of the Employment Promotion Department of Oktyabrsky District of Bishkek
Omurbekova M.O. - Head of Department "Economic Security and Marketing", Head of OOP, KSTU named after I.Razzakov