Faculty History

With the beginning of the Second Great Patriotic War in 1941, plants and factories evacuated from the western regions of the Soviet Union laid the foundation for the creation of an engineering industry in the Kirghiz SSR. In the post-war years, the development of machine building in the republic could not continue without a corresponding influx of engineering personnel to enterprises, a sufficient number of which could be provided by a domestic university, which became the Frunze Polytechnic Institute established in 1954. In the same year, on November 26, together with the institute, the Faculty of Mechanics and Technology was created.

In order to develop the engineering industry and light industry of the republic, the leadership of the Frunze Polytechnic Institute decided on July 21, 1955 to divide the Faculty of Mechanics and Technology into two separate and independent structures - mechanical and technological faculties. On October 4, 1976, the Faculty of Mechanics acquired a new name and became known as the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. On March 11, 1991, the faculty received the name - mechanical engineering. From September 14, 1999 to the present day, the faculty has proudly been called the FACULTY OF TRANSPORT AND ENGINEERING (FTаЕ).

The first dean to head the faculty was a well-known scientist in the field of the theory of mechanisms and machines - candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Pototsky M.G. After him, in different years, the faculty was headed by well-known scientists from various fields of technical sciences:

  •  associate professor Kalinkin V.A. - a specialist in the field of agricultural engineering (1958-1962),
  • Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Budarin I.T. - a well-known scientist in the field of metallurgy (1962-1970),
  • Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Dvornikov Ya.T. - Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, scientist in the field of theory of mechanisms and machines (1970-1974),
  • candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Gladilov Yu.S. – specialist in the field of metal forming (1974-1986),
  • Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Kim V.K. – specialist in the field of mechanical engineering technology (1986-1988),
  • Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor S.A. Abdrakhmanov. — scientist in the field of mechanics of a solid deformable body (1988-1992),
  • Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Abakirov S.A. – specialist in the field of road transport (1992-2004),
  • Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Turgumbaev Zh.Zh. – specialist in the field of road construction machines (2004-2006),
  • Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Dzhumakadyrov Sh.J. specialist in the field of mining engineering (2006-2010).

Currently, the Faculty of Transport and Mechanical Engineering is headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Engineering Academy of the Kyrgyz Republic (IA KR), Academician of the International Academy of Pedagogical Education (IANPE), Honorary Motor Worker of the KR Matkerimov Taalaibek Ysmanalievich

For more than 50 years, the faculty has been the only center in the republic for training specialists in the field of transport and mechanical engineering.

The first department created at the faculty in 1954 was the Department of Technology of Metals. A year later, the departments were organized: "Engineering graphics", "Machine parts" and "General technical department". As the national economy of the Kirghiz SSR developed and due to the geographical specifics of the republic, where up to 98% of transportation was carried out by road, engineering and technical personnel were needed to maintain it in a robotic state, maintenance and repair. In 1955 the first enrollment for the specialty "Motor transport" was made at the FPI, a special department "Motor transport" was organized in 1957.

The initial years of the work of the faculty and departments were aimed at creating: educational laboratories and equipping them with the necessary equipment and tools, measuring equipment, methodological equipment, teaching and educational process, and more. etc. Great assistance to the faculty and departments in acquiring the necessary educational, methodological and scientific documentation was provided by advanced related departments in Moscow, Leningrad, Kyiv, Kharkov and other cities of the Soviet Union. Due to the intensive development of mechanical engineering in the republic, and in particular its branches such as machine tool building and tool production, it became necessary to create special departments by separating them from the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology. As a result, the departments "Metal-cutting machines" in 1964, "Metal-cutting tools" in 1970, "Metrology and standardization" - 1973 were opened.

The political and economic conditions in the republic associated with the collapse of the USSR and the increase in the reorientation of machine-building industries made it inappropriate to have highly specialized departments, which led to their merger. As a result, the department "Technology of Mechanical Engineering" included the department "Technology of Metals" (1995) and the course "Materials Processing and Tools" (2005) from the disbanded department. "Metal cutting tools".

The Department of Engineering Graphics was established in 1954. In the organization and formation of the department, the heads of the department had significant merits: Chukubaev A.A., Akerman Z.M., candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Tarnopolsky I.R. other.

Kyrgyzstan is a mountainous republic, and the vast majority of transportation is carried out by road, as well as with the emergence of such large enterprises as the Automobile Assembly Plant and Kyrgyzavtomash in 1957, the Department of Automotive Transport was founded at the faculty.

In connection with the development of automotive specialties, by order of the Ministry of Public Education Kir. SSR in 1970 the department "Motor transport" was divided into two: "Technical operation and repair of vehicles" and "Automobiles and automobile engines".


In 1982, the departments were renamed "Automobiles and Automobile Economy" and "Operation of Road Transport". These departments entered into contracts with the ZIL automobile plant named after. Likhachev, Moscow, the Gorky Automobile Plant GAZ, the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant (UAZ), the Zavolzhsky Motor Plant (ZAZ) and the Kama Automobile Plant (KAMAZ) to conduct production practices, which will significantly increase the practical training of engineering personnel for the transport sector of the national economy of the republic. These factories, in order to support the material base, carried out major repairs of FPI vehicles.

In 1969, the Department of Automation of Technological Processes was organized and continuously graduates electromechanical engineers with a degree in Automation and Integrated Mechanization of Mechanical Engineering. Currently, the A&R department trains bachelor and master engineers in automation of systems, machines and mechanisms, for modernization, development of mathematical and software systems in the direction of "Automation of technological processes and production" and "Mechatronics and robotics".

In 1980, the faculty began training foreign students, in 1985 the first graduation of eight Cuban mechanical engineers took place. Only for Cuba, more than 50 specialists have been trained, who have received high marks in their homeland. Students from India, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Bolivia, Peru, Nepal and other countries were trained.

In 1988, in order to provide secondary schools of the republic with teachers of labor education and secondary schools, training began in the specialty 03.02. "Labor" and in 1991 the department "Engineering Pedagogy" was created, the head of the department was appointed Ph.D., Professor Kenensariyev K.S. Since 1998 he has been preparing teachers in the specialty 550.800. "Professional training" (by industry) with the qualification of "engineer - teacher".

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, due to a general reduction in the number of students in 1991, it was decided to merge 2 departments into one "Road Transport".

In order to meet the needs for specialists for the transport industry of the Kyrgyz Republic and improve the quality of training and improve the educational process in 2003, the Department of Transport Management was organized by separating it from the Department of Automobile Transport. The Department of Transport Management was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Davlyatov U.R., Torobekov B.T. Atabekov K. K. In 2015, the Department of Transport Management was renamed the Department of Transportation and Traffic Safety. On the basis of the department, the Educational-Scientific-Technical Center for Road Transport (STTC AT) was organized with 4 training cars.

The only department in Kyrgyzstan that prepares specialists for the media and publishing industry is the Department of Polygraphy, opened in 2006 at our faculty. Graduates of the department within the country and abroad work for various publishing houses, publishing houses, mass media, advertising firms and agencies.

In the history of the faculty has been trained with over 1000 professionals from foreign countries such as Cuba, Afghanistan, Bolivia, India, Nepal, Peru, Pakistan.

Today, the Faculty of Transport and Mechanical Engineering is one of the leading centers among universities in the CIS countries, as well as in Kyrgyzstan, for the training of highly qualified personnel in the field of transport and mechanical engineering.