To the applicant

Specialists graduated from the RES department are one of the most popular and promising in the labor market. Currently, the Department of RES provides training for bachelors and masters in the direction 640200 "Power and Electrical Engineering" in three profiles:

- Hydroelectricity

- Alternative energy sources

- Management in the electric power industry


To work in this industry, the department prepares highly qualified hydropower engineers. Graduates in the profile "Hydroelectric Power" are in demand: in design organizations and research institutes of the energy profile, construction, installation and commissioning organizations of the energy and hydraulic profile, including automation of hydropower plants and the operation of electrical networks, as well as departments and laboratories of energy and construction universities in the disciplines of hydraulic engineering and hydropower profile.


Water, wind, sun, biomass, tides, geothermal springs - this is a huge potential of modern energy. Renewable energy sources are not depleted, unlike coal, oil, gas, they do not pollute or poison the environment, so the future of the 21st century energy industry lies with them. Upon completion of their studies, graduates of the Alternative Energy Sources profile will have the knowledge to calculate, design and operate solar installations, wind power devices, biogas plants, etc.


The rapid growth, development and modernization of electric power enterprises led to the emergence of specialists in a new format - energy managers - specialists in the optimal management of the enterprise’s energy sector, who have specialized engineering knowledge in the field of electric power, technology and the organization and management of production in the energy sector. The introduction of management in all parts of the power management structure will play a decisive role in its functioning and development, and energy managers will be able to take their rightful place in the hierarchical structure of energy companies. The field of work of graduates: all types of energy enterprises from the producer to the consumer of electric and thermal energy, regional energy conservation centers, research and production companies involved in energy audit, the development and implementation of energy-saving equipment, energy supervision bodies and energy sales enterprises.

Education abroad:
A Memorandum of Cooperation between the Westschsische Graduate School - Institute of Applied Sciences, Germany and KSTU named after I. Razzakova on training students in the specialty "Hydroelectricity", as well as exchange students, improve the qualifications of faculty, exchange publications and scientific information.

Starting from 2017, the Department of Renewable Energy Sources, in cooperation with the West Saxon Institute in Zwickau, will conduct joint training of bachelors and masters in the profile of Hydroelectric Power. The joint educational program involves training at the Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute at KSTU. I. Razzakova. The first two or three courses, students are taught in a joint educational program that meets the requirements of the educational standards of the West Saxon Institute of Zwickau with in-depth study of the German language. Students who have successfully mastered the program will continue their studies in Germany with the subsequent defense of undergraduate work and a master's thesis. As a result, students who graduate from undergraduate (graduate) courses will receive two diplomas - KSTU. I. Razzakova and West Saxon Institute Zwickau (Germany). This program provides for practical training at German enterprises.

Features of training at the Department of RES:

1. The use of modern software tools (SCAD, Project Expert, AutoCAD, Inventor, etc.) is wide about those used in the design, scientific, and production fields of activity;

2. Conducting classes and scientific research on modern educational and laboratory equipment in the center of "Alternative Energy Sources" and the laboratory of "Hydraulic Machines";

3. Practice in leading construction, energy and appraisal companies in the country.

Documents required upon admission:

- Certificate of secondary education;

- Certificate of nationwide testing;

- Copies of passport and registration certificate (for persons liable for military service);

- Photos 6 pcs. (3 × 4).

Information for applicants

1. Recruitment for budget and contract training on nationwide testing points is carried out;
2. For emerging issues, contact the Department of "Renewable Energy Sources";
3. Additional information about the department on the website of KSTU. I. Razzakova (;
OUR ADDRESS: 720044, Bishkek, Aitmatova Ave. 66, KSTU named after I. Razzakova, 3 building, room 203a.
Phone: +996 (312) 54-84-33

Household solar furnace with a spherical concentrator