
After graduation, graduates have the opportunity to continue their studies in graduate school, and then in doctoral studies.

Students and graduate students of the Department of RES regularly make presentations at university and international conferences, congresses and seminars. Many of them were awarded with high awards: cash prizes, honorary diplomas.

Many graduates of the department work in such well-known organizations as:

"Chakan Hydroelectric Power Station" OJSC;
OJSC "Electric Stations";
OJSC "National Electric Networks of Kyrgyzstan";
OJSC "Severelectro";
"Jalalabadelectro" OJSC;
"Oshelectro" OJSC;
OJSC "Vostokelectro";
LLC "Electrosila".
The graduates of the RES department are distinguished by a broad outlook, mastery of modern computing facilities, advanced training in mathematics, ecology and economics. All this allows them to be one of the most competitive in the labor market.

The department helps graduates to find a prestigious and interesting job with a modern level of wages.