Matekova Gulzat Dyushenalievna
senior lecturer
Position, academic degree: senior lecturer Date of birth: 06/29/1970 Email address: Education: Specialized electrical engineer. “Electric drive and automation of industrial installations and technical complexes” KSTU named after. I. Razzakova.
Teaches disciplines: Electrical Engineering; Electrical and Electronics Engineering; Electrical engineering, electrical engineering and electric drive Scientific directions: Development of a microprocessor control system for a hydraulic press installation with an electromechanical control system for distributors Scientific and methodological works: more than 15 scientific articles, 10 methodological instructions for laboratory and practical exercises.
Awards: Certificates of honor from KSTU; Certificate of honor from NESK (National Electric Networks of Kyrgyzstan) Profiles in scientometric databases:
ORCID: 0000-0003-1471-0946
ResearcherID Web of Science: HNS-6673-2023
Google Scholar: Gulzat Matekova
РИНЦ: SPIN-код: 8668-5270, AuthorID: 959047