Educational work

The organization of extracurricular work with students is carried out according to the plan of educational work of the department, which includes the organization and control of studies, student attendance, the formation of scientific thinking in the process of studying technical disciplines, the adaptation of students, the involvement of students in scientific work, the formation and development of concepts and ideas of universal values : humanism, democracy, patriotism, respect for the national values ​​of the Republic: language, traditions, moral issues, propaganda and education of internationalism.

Educational work at the department is carried out in accordance with the plan of educational work.

There are no curators at the department, in connection with this, educational work is carried out by teachers mainly during classes in direct communication with students.

 Students of 2-3 courses study at the Department of "TFEE and GE", so the main emphasis is on explaining the system of credit technology of education: organizing and distributing one’s time, features of the modular system, passing modules, preparing for laboratory and practical classes and performing them, working with teaching aids and literature.

 From the very beginning of the academic year, students are involved in all public events held at the faculty and KSTU: EF and KSTU Open Days, University Day, Power Engineer Day. Work is underway with students living in hostels.

  • Participation in the activities of the department, faculty (institute), university.
  • The employees of the department take an active part in charity events, donor assistance, as well as in helping orphanages for babies.
  • Organization and holding of mass cultural and sports events.

The male team of the department participates in football tournaments organized by KSTU and in interuniversity football tournaments.