Asanova Salima Muratovna

Asanova Salima Muratovna
Head of the Department, Ph.D., Associate Professor

Position, academic degree: Head of the department "TFEE and GE", Ph.D., Associate Professor

Date of birth: January 25, 1975

Email address:

Education: Master's Degree in Power Plants, Kyrgyz Technical University, 1999
Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty Power plants and electric power systems, 2012

Work experience:

  • 1999–2000 Kyrgyz State Technical University, Faculty of Energy, Department of Electromechanics, lecturer, engineer.
  • 2000–2002 Apparatus of the Legislative Assembly Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic, consultant of the Department of Sectoral Economics (for the energy sector);
  • from 2002 to the present Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov, Faculty of Energy, Department of Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering and General Electrical Engineering (since 2011 associate professor).


  • 2002 - 2008 Scientific Research Institute of Physical and Technical Problems at KSTU named after I. Razzakov, researcher;
  • 2009 – 2015 Research Institute of Energy and Communications at KSTU named after I. Razzakov, senior researcher;
  • since February 2021 Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Automation of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of Optimal and Digital Control Systems;

Teaching disciplines:
1. Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering (part 1,2,3);
2. Electrical engineering and electronics;
3. Electrical engineering, electronics and electric drive;
4. Technology of structural materials and materials science;
5. Automation and control;
6. Informatics (Fundamentals of programming in C++);
7. Mathematical foundations in the electric power industry.

Candidate's thesis: "Self-organizing multicomponent algorithms for solving problems in electrical networks", supervisor - Ph.D., prof. KSTU Satarkulov K.A., 2012

Doctoral studies: work on a doctoral dissertation on the topic "Structurally and logically self-organizing algorithms for solving problems in electric and hydropower."

Scientific direction: Using the apparatus of Petri nets for compiling self-organizing multicomponent computational algorithms for solving problems in electric and hydropower.

Scientific and methodological works: In total - 73 of them: 43 scientific articles (8 articles in journals indexed in Scopus), 2 invention patents, 28 guidelines and manuals.

Articles (for the last 5 years):

  1. A structured hierarchically-multilevel approach to the calculation of electricity losses in open electrical networks of 35 kV and higher for given loads and power supply voltage. Republican scientific and technical journal "Science, new technologies and innovations of Kyrgyzstan", No. 4, Bishkek, 2016
  2. Race method of information markers for finding the tree of shortest paths in optimizing the structure of electrical distribution networks and calculating reliability. News of KSTU, No. 40, 2016
  3. A modeling complex for assessing the optimal amount of information about the current state of electric power systems. News of KSTU, No. 40, 2016
  4. Simulation of operating modes of complex electrical networks with a tree structure and different nominal voltages. Problems of Automation and Control, National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic Institute of Automation and Information Technologies, No. 1 (36), 2019
  5. Mathematical modeling of mutual electromagnetic influences of related power transmission lines in a transition process mode. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 966, 2020 (UK)
  6. Method for designing drop-of-wire recognition systems on sections of undistorted two-wire power transmission lines. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 966, 2020 (UK)
  7. The use of Petri computing networks for optimization of the structure of distribution networks to minimize power losses. Energy Reports Vol. 6, Supplement 9, December 2020, 1337-1343 (UK)
  8. A method for design of the optimal structure of autonomous distributed hybrid energy complexes, and regulation of the energy balance therein. Alternative Energy and Ecology (ISJAEE). 2020; (25-27):42-51 (Russia)
  9. Development of models for medium-term forecasting of power consumption in isolated power systems based on ensemble methods of machine learning. News STC UNIFIED ENERGY SYSTEM. 2021. No. 1 (84)). P.32-39 (Russia)
  10.  Calculation of power losses at given loads and source voltage in radial networks of 35 kV and above by hierarchical-multilevel structured topology representation. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, No/VOL: 07/2021 Page no. 13 (Poland)
  11.  Optimization of the structure of autonomous distributed hybrid power complexes and energy balance management in them. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 46, Issue 70, October 2021, Pages 34542-34549 (UK)
  12.  Algorithm for calculation and selection of micro hydropower plant taking into account hydrological parameters of small watercourses mountain rivers of Central Asia. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 46, Issue 75, 29 October 2021, Pages 37109-37119 (UK)
  13. Elementwise power losses calculation in complex distribution power networks represented by hierarchical-multilevel topology structure. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, No/VOL: 11/2021 Page no. 106 (Poland)

Patents for inventions:

  1.  Device for regulating the speed of rotation of the shaft of a hydroelectric unit of a microhydroelectric power plant, Kyrgyzpatent, No. 2262, 2021
  2.  Conductive core of wires and cables, Kyrgyzpatent, No. 1187, 2009

Advanced training (basic):

  • Certificate of participation in the VI international scientific and practical online conference "Loan Detection - 2021", October 2021
  • Certificate of Participation in the 8th International Conference on Energy and Energy Systems Design (CPESE 2021), Fukuoka, Japan, September 10-12, 2021
  • Certificate of advanced training at the Baltic State Technical University "VOENMEH" under the program "Pedagogical design in a digital educational environment", 2021
  • Certificate of advanced training at the Baltic State Technical University "VOENMEH" under the program "Information technologies in the educational process", 2021
  • Certificate of a listener of an open lecture of the International Scientific and Methodological Center National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" "Detection and representation of knowledge: a perspective on the analysis of formal concepts", 2020
  • Certificate of participation in the international seminar "Fundamentals of Ni LabVIEW", 2020
  • Certificate from General Electric Hydro on successful completion of the international technical training Environment, health and safety, 2019;
  • Certificate from General Electric Hydro on the successful completion of the international technical training Diagnostics of hydro turbine & Generator, 2019;
  • Certificate from General Electric Hydro on the successful completion of the international technical training Turbine & governing system, Generator & excitation system, 2018;
  • Certificate for the improvement of scientific and pedagogical skills, Public Fund Development Center "Ala-Too", 2010;
  • Certificate of internship at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (TU), Department of Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering, 2009;
  • Seminar on the Fundamentals of Synergetics, certificate from the State Agency for Science and Intellectual Property under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzpatent), 2005;
  • Certificate from the CRDF in applying for research grants, 2005.

Awards (main):

  • Diploma from the Directorate of Toktogul HPP, 2006
  • I degree diploma of KSTU named after I. Razzakov for the best laboratory development in Russian and German, 2009
  • Honorary diploma of KSTU, 2008, 2013
  • Diploma from the Directorate of KSTC Energia, 2014
  • Award "Akyl Tirek" (2013) and gratitude "Akyl Tirek" (2014) from the Fund for Progressive Initiatives for success in the scientific field, for advanced ideas and for the contribution to the development of science in the country;
  • Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2017;
  • Honorary diploma of the National Energy Holding, 2018;
  • Badge "Excellence in Education" of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2021

Social work:

- Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Energy for Science and Marketing of KSTU named after I. Razzakov (2006-2010);
- Member of the dissertation council at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Automation of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic and Osh State University.

Scientific and pedagogical experience: 20 years

Profiles in scientometric databases:

ORCID: 0000-0003-4538-934X

Приёмная: 1/366

Телефон: 56-15-38

Кабинет: 1/366
