Чунуев Ишимбай Карыбаевич

Chunuev Ishimbai Karybaevich
Ph.D., Professor

Chunuev Ishimbai Karybaevich graduated with honors in 1978 from the Leningrad Mining Institute named after G.V.Plekhanov with a degree in Mining engineer-surveyor.

His career (1975 to until now) actively combines pedagogical, scientific and social work.

Scientific and teaching work: Work at the Frunze Polytechnic Institute: 1978 - 1990 - work at the Frunze Polytechnic Institute at the Department of Mineral Development in the positions of engineer, junior and senior researcher, teacher, associate professor. In 1991, he organized a new department “Industrial Ecology and Nature Management”, where he was the head until October 1992. From October 1992 to 1995, he was a doctoral student at the Institute of Physics and Mechanics of Rocks of the Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic. 1993-2000 -Associate professor of the KSMI named after Academician U.Asanaliev. In 2000, he organized the Department of Geodesy and Surveying, where he was in charge from 2000 to October 2021." From November 1, 2021 to n/a – Professor of the Department of "MD and GIS technologies" of KSUU and KGMI named after Academician U.Asanaliev of KSTU named after I.Razzakov. In 1988 he defended his PhD thesis at VNIMI (Leningrad). Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR. 1992-1995 - Scientific Secretary of the Higher Attestation Commission of the KR.

113 scientific works have been published, including: 3 textbooks, 4 monographs, 26 methodological manuals. Works published for the first time in Kyrgyzstan:

- according to the methodology for determining and predicting tectonic stresses on the elements of tectonic structures of various ranks in order to take them into account to ensure the safety and efficiency of mining operations (1979-2022);

- on residual stresses in the rocks of Kyrgyzstan (1983);

- on the justification of on-board maintenance in market conditions, accounting and control of the movement of reserves;

- geotechnical aspects of field development in conditions of high mountains and permafrost;

- Textbooks: 1.“The Protection of the Subsoil” (Russian language, 2018), 2."Zher kazynasyn korgo" (Kyrgyz language, 2020) and 3."Analysis of the accuracy of surveying and geodetic measurements" (Russian language, 2022). Сo – authors: Gordeev and T.S.Umarov).

Production activity: - He started his career in 1975 as a worker of the surveying department of the Jergalan mine. From 1994 to November 2011, he worked at Kumtor Operating Company – jointly Kyrgyz-Canadian Company (Centarragold) in the positions of chief surveyor, chief Engineer, manager. From August 2011 to November 2011, work at the Kupol mine, Chukotka Mining and Geological Company - jointly a Russian–Canadian company (Kinross) as Deputy General Director for Planning and Technological Activities. From May 1 to September 12, 2012 - General Director of CJSC “Meks-Resource (Meks-Resource)” is a Russian gold exploration and production company in Kyrgyzstan. From September 12, 2012 to June 13, 2013 - Director of the State Agency for Geology and Mineral Resources (with the rank of Minister) under the Government of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.

Head, responsible executor of 29 design and survey works in Kyrgyzstan and abroad.

Community service:

-President of the Kyrgyz Mining Association since 2015.

-President of the Kyrgyz Society of Subsoil Experts of the Kyrgyz Republic (KSSE) since 2017.

-Member of the Board of the Eurasian Society of Experts of Subsoil Users (ESOEN) since 2017.

- Member of the Presidium of the “International Society for Surveying” since 2019.

- Member of the Editorial Board of the international journal “Subsoil Use XXI-century" (Russia, Moscow).

- Development and implementation of the law on small Mining Entrepreneurship, the Institute of Competent Persons, the JORC and CRIRSCO Code in Kyrgyzstan, competent surveyors, etc.; development and implementation of the Mining Code in the Kyrgyz Republic (2015-2022), member of the interdepartmental group on the implementation of the Mining Code (2021-22).

-Organized international Forums: "MINEX in Kyrgyzstan (2018)", "Mingeo EURASIA (2022)" in order to attract investments to Kyrgyzstan.

-Organized in 2022 a discussion platform - the "Mountain Club", where he is its chairman and moderator.

-Development of Instructions on geodesy and surveying, Rules for the protection of mineral resources.

-Development of the Concept and Strategy for the development of the mining industry of the Kyrgyz Republic (2016-2023).

State awards:

-Laureate of the Prize of the Union of Youth (Lenin Komsomol) of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan in the field of science and technology in 1992,

- Certificate of Honor of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic in 2000,

-Excellent student of education -2005,

-Honorary Miner – 2012.

He has a number of international prizes and awards.

Телефон: +312613726

e-mail: ishimbai.chunuev@kstu.kg