[Translate to English:] Дуйшонбек кызы Гулжамал

Duishonbek kyzy Guljamal
Senior Lecturer

Duishonbek kyzy Guljamal graduated from the Institute of Mining and Mining Technologies named after Academician U.Asanaliev in 2015 with a degree in Surveying, having received the qualification of "Mining Engineer".

She started her career in 2014 as a laboratory assistant at the Department of Geodesy and Surveying Institute of Mining and Mining Technologies named after academician U.Asanaliev.

From 2015 to 2020, she worked as a teacher at the Department of Geodesy and Surveying at KSU, in 2020 she was transferred to the position of senior lecturer at the Department of Surveying and GIS Technologies at the Kyrgyz Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after Academician U.Asanaliev.

He conducts classes in the following disciplines: Subsurface Geometry, GIS technologies, Photogrammetry and remote sensing methods of the Earth, Geodesy-1, Applied Geodesy, Surveying and qualimetry, Surveying graphic documentation.

More than 15 methodological manuals and training programs for conducting industrial practice have been published.

Constantly improves her qualifications, and she has received the following certificates:

- "Openstreetmapworkshop including mapping party" - 01.06.2019, Bishkek, KGUSTA;

- "Remote sensing and sustainable management of natural resources"-26-30.08.2022, Chychkan Gorge, AUCA;

- "Kep technikasy", "Ilimiy makala: the form of Jean mazmunu" - 07.12.2019, Bishkek, KMKTAU;

- "Conducting independent accreditation of professional education programs and organizations" - December 23, 2017, Bishkek, AAOPO;

- "Pedagogatordun kesiptik onuguusunun innovatiyalyk bilim beruuchu technikasy" - 02/23/2015, Bishkek, Qualification of zhogorlotuu jean kair dayardoo Institute;

- "Lesson planning based on the competence approach" - 15.04.2022, Bishkek, Republican Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining of Teaching Staff at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic

Awarded the "Certificate of Honor" of the Kyrgyz State University of Geology, Mining and Natural Resources Development named after Academician U.Asanaliev in 2020.

Приёмная: +312613726

Кабинет: 12/30

e-mail: g.duishonbekkyzy@kstu.kg