[Translate to English:] Кутуев Мухамедий Дадиевич

Kutuev Mukhamedi Dadievich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.

Education: Higher education, graduated (FPI - KHISI) in 1972.


Qualification: Engineer-researcher.


Scientific degrees and titles: Candidate of Technical Sciences (1980), Associate Professor (1989) Special Council of the IISS Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR (Moscow), Doctor of Technical Sciences (1994), Professor (1995), Special Council of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic (1998)


Specialty: 05.23.07.- Structural mechanics


01.02.04. –Mechanics of deformable TV. Body


Work experience: Total scientific, pedagogical and managerial experience – 50 years. Teacher, Art. teacher, associate professor, professor, head of department, deputy dean for science and general issues, head of agricultural work, member of the Expert Council of the National Accreditation Commission (VAK), Kyrgyz PATENT, member of the Specialized Councils of many countries.


Governmentawards: Excellence in Education of the Kyrgyz Republic (1995, 2000), Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Higher Education, Honored Worker of Education and Science (2004), Medal of the State Commission under the President for State Language (2012).


Work on councils: Member of dissertation councils in many countries, interuniversity dissertation council


D 05.23.664 (KSTU named after I. Razzakova, KRSU named after B.N. Yeltsin). Bishkek 2019 – 24


Member of the editorial board of Vestnik KSUSTA im. N. Isanova.


Member of the Academic Council of KGUSTA named after. N. Isanova.


Member of the Academic Council of ISiT KSUST named after. N. Isanova.


Member of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Engineering Academy


Main works: Published more than 300 works, including 6 monographs, 12 textbooks, 20 teaching aids, many encyclopedic and scientific works. The founder and director of the scientific school on structural mechanics, 15 candidates and doctors of science, 18 master's students were trained in five specialties.


Contact details: Work. tel. 54-56-64, mobile. tel. 0772-22-83-25; e-mail: kutuev560779@mail.ru





Приёмная: 0312 54 56 64

Телефон: 0772 228 325

Кабинет: 3/405б

e-mail: m.kutuev@kstu.kg

Стаж работы: 48