[Translate to English:] Аджыгулова Гульмира Сагыналиевна

Adjygulova Gulmira
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Education: higher education

School, college and/or University Attended          Degree/certificate or other specialized education obtained Date Obtained

High School Yurevka   certificate        24.06.1983

Kyrgyz Agricultural Institution  named after K.I. Skryabin          diplomaБ-1 №037997    1.07.1989

Kyrgyz Agrarian University named after K.I. Skryabin    diplomaИК №000726   30.11.2000

Employment Record :

From [Year]:  2010 To [Year]:  2017

Employer:  Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University

Positions held:  Docent at the Hydraulic Structures and Water Recourses   department

From [Year]:  1999To [Year]:  2010

Employer:  Kyrgyz Agrarian University

Positions held:  docent at the Hydraulic Structures department

From [Year]:  1996To  [Year]:  1999

Employer:  Kyrgyz Agrarian academy

Positions held:  Postgraduate student

From [Year]:  1994To [Year]:  1996

Employer:  Industrial college, Balykchy

Positions held:  Teacher

From [Year]:  1992To [Year]:  1994

Employer:  Agricultural College, Naryn

Positions held:  Teacher

From [Year]:  1989To  [Year]:  1992

Employer:  Tien Shan regional administration of water industry, Naryn

Positions held:  Engineer

From 17.06.2016 to 30.11.2017, the project "Adaptation of the course materials on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), developed in 2007 with the support of the UNESCO Cluster Office in Almaty, for universities in Kyrgyzstan" was completed according to the terms of reference.

Тел:     (0550) 660444 (моб)                        Е-mail: Gulmira_999@mail.ru

Приёмная: +996 312 545 664

Кабинет: 411

e-mail: Gulmira_999@mail.ru