Head of department

assistant professor

Bayaliev Altynbek Jakypbekovich
Head of department

Head of department

Education: Faculty of Transport and Mechanical Engineering of the Kyrgyz Technical University. named afterI. Razzakova, 2004.Qualification engineer in the specialty of applied mechanics.

Since 2013 - candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.02.18 "Theory of mechanisms and machines"

Since 2015 - senior researcher in the specialty "Theory of mechanisms and machines"

Labor activity:

From 2022 to the present, head of the department "SMaGTС", assistant professor of KSTU named after I. Razzakova.

2021-2022 Head of the department "MaGTС", assistant professor of KSUCTA named after N. Isanova.

2018–2021 Head of the Department "Mechanics", assistant professor of KSUCTA named after N. Isanova.

2015-2018 assistant professor of the Department of  "Mechanics" KSUCTA named after N. Isanova.

2013-2015 senior lecturer of the department "Mechanics" KSUCTA named after N. Isanova.

2007–2013 teacher of the department "Mechanics" KSUCTA named after N. Isanova.

Since 2003 - engineer, researcher, senior researcher, leading researcher Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Automation of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic


Research work: published more than 40 publications, including 1 monograph, 3 patents for inventions.


Awards: Excellence in Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic; Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic.



Profiles in scientometric databases:

1. ScopusID: Bayaliev A.J.

2. Google scholar: Bayaliev A.J.

3. ResearcherID (Web of Science): https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/HNS-2253-2023

4. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0005-4878-3619

5. РИНЦ (elibrary): SPIN-код: 5698-3895

6. Research Gate: Bayaliev A.J.


Contact details: work. tel.: +996 312 545 664

mobile phone +996 555 713059;

E-mail: mechanickg@mail.ru,


Приёмная: work. tel.: +996 312 545 664

Телефон: mobile phone +996 555 713059;

Кабинет: 411

e-mail: altynbek.bayaliev@kstu.kg.