KSTU named after I. Razzakov
Боковое меню
Kyrgyz Civil Engineering Institute named after N. Isanov
Geodesy and geoinformatics
Employment of undergraduate graduates
After successful completion of training, they can work in the departments and divisions of the State Register, the State Service of Geodesy and Cartography, in construction organizations and firms, in mining enterprises, in design and research institutes of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Employment of graduates of the MOE (Master's educational program)
Graduates of the Master's program "Geodesy" and "Geoinformatics", in the field of training "620100 Geodesy and remote sensing" and "520500 Cartography and Geoinformatics" can independently conduct research, production and technological, organizational and managerial, project work related to cartography, geoinformation mapping, geodesy and aerospace sensing of the Earth's surface.
Employment of graduates - Bachelor's degree in 5 years
Employment of graduates-undergraduates in 5 years
Questionnaire analyses of graduates and employers
KSTU named after I. Razzakov Боковое меню Institutions Kyrgyz Civil Engineering Institute named after N. Isanov Geodesy and geoinformatics Employment
Employment of undergraduate graduates
After successful completion of training, they can work in the departments and divisions of the State Register, the State Service of Geodesy and Cartography, in construction organizations and firms, in mining enterprises, in design and research institutes of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Employment of graduates of the MOE (Master's educational program)
Graduates of the Master's program "Geodesy" and "Geoinformatics", in the field of training "620100 Geodesy and remote sensing" and "520500 Cartography and Geoinformatics" can independently conduct research, production and technological, organizational and managerial, project work related to cartography, geoinformation mapping, geodesy and aerospace sensing of the Earth's surface.