Research work
KSTU named after I. Razzakov
Боковое меню
Kyrgyz Civil Engineering Institute named after N. Isanov
Geodesy and geoinformatics
Research work
Research work of the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Research activity plays a crucial role in the formation and improvement of the quality of educational services and the development of university science. It is aimed at the implementation of fundamental and applied research, engineering and technical developments, as well as at attracting additional funding and the image of the university.
The strategy for the development of research activities includes a set of interrelated measures to improve the effectiveness of scientific research in priority areas of science development in the Kyrgyz Republic, the formation of new scientific schools, and the improvement of scientometric indicators of the university.
The Department strives to solve the following strategic tasks in its scientific and innovation policy:
- to create the most comfortable and favorable conditions for conducting productive research work;
- to ensure deep integration with research institutions and the business environment in order to meet the needs of the domestic economy in innovative developments and products;
- to achieve the introduction of advanced scientific and technical achievements of the department into production;
- to engage in the commercialization of scientific developments and to intensify patent and inventive activities.
The main directions of the research activity of the department
Problematic and topical issues of geodesy and geoinformatics for research by scientific staff of the department:
Remote sensing;
Geoinformation systems and technologies;
Creation of GIS for solving applied tasks, such as seismic risk assessment, modeling of water and hydropower potential of regions and development of digital thematic maps;
Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI).
Postgraduate, doctoral and PhD studies
In order to train highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel, the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics provides its graduates and employees, as well as employees of other organizations, with the opportunity to further improve the level of education in graduate school and PhD according to the lists of specialties of training scientific and pedagogical personnel implemented at I.Razzakov KSTU.
In 2022, a state license was obtained to start training PhD doctors in the field of Geodesy and Remote Sensing under the project "Development of interdisciplinary postgraduate education programs and strengthening research networks in the field of geoinformation technologies in Armenia and Kyrgyzstan" (GeoTAK), funded by the European Union ERASMUS+ program in 2021-2024.
On March 25, 2022, the opening of the updated laboratory of the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics of the Institute of Construction and Technology of the N.Isanov KGUSTA took place at the N.Isanov KGUSTA and the first meeting of the Advisory Council of the National Research Nodes in Geoinformation Technologies (NRN-GIT) in the Kyrgyz Republic, created by within the framework of this project.
Currently, 3 PhD students are studying under the PhD program from among the graduates of the department, employees, employees of research institutes.
KSTU named after I. Razzakov Боковое меню Institutions Kyrgyz Civil Engineering Institute named after N. Isanov Geodesy and geoinformatics Research work
Research work of the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Research activity plays a crucial role in the formation and improvement of the quality of educational services and the development of university science. It is aimed at the implementation of fundamental and applied research, engineering and technical developments, as well as at attracting additional funding and the image of the university.
The strategy for the development of research activities includes a set of interrelated measures to improve the effectiveness of scientific research in priority areas of science development in the Kyrgyz Republic, the formation of new scientific schools, and the improvement of scientometric indicators of the university.
The Department strives to solve the following strategic tasks in its scientific and innovation policy:
- to create the most comfortable and favorable conditions for conducting productive research work;
- to ensure deep integration with research institutions and the business environment in order to meet the needs of the domestic economy in innovative developments and products;
- to achieve the introduction of advanced scientific and technical achievements of the department into production;
- to engage in the commercialization of scientific developments and to intensify patent and inventive activities.
The main directions of the research activity of the department
Problematic and topical issues of geodesy and geoinformatics for research by scientific staff of the department:
Remote sensing;
Geoinformation systems and technologies;
Creation of GIS for solving applied tasks, such as seismic risk assessment, modeling of water and hydropower potential of regions and development of digital thematic maps;
Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI).
Postgraduate, doctoral and PhD studies
In order to train highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel, the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics provides its graduates and employees, as well as employees of other organizations, with the opportunity to further improve the level of education in graduate school and PhD according to the lists of specialties of training scientific and pedagogical personnel implemented at I.Razzakov KSTU.
In 2022, a state license was obtained to start training PhD doctors in the field of Geodesy and Remote Sensing under the project "Development of interdisciplinary postgraduate education programs and strengthening research networks in the field of geoinformation technologies in Armenia and Kyrgyzstan" (GeoTAK), funded by the European Union ERASMUS+ program in 2021-2024.
On March 25, 2022, the opening of the updated laboratory of the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics of the Institute of Construction and Technology of the N.Isanov KGUSTA took place at the N.Isanov KGUSTA and the first meeting of the Advisory Council of the National Research Nodes in Geoinformation Technologies (NRN-GIT) in the Kyrgyz Republic, created by within the framework of this project.
Currently, 3 PhD students are studying under the PhD program from among the graduates of the department, employees, employees of research institutes.