Musakeev Niyaz Temirbekovich
Senior Lecturer
Total work experience: 5 years old
Work experience in the specialty: 5 years old
For 5 years, she has gained a lot of experience in teaching. She has developed 5 methodological manuals, as well as a teaching manual on the subjects taught.
Research work:
Awards and qualifications
In 2010, he graduated from KGUSTA, specializing in architect and urban planner. Since the same year, he has been working at the Department of Architecture and Restoration at KGUSTA as a teacher at first, and now he is a senior lecturer at the Department of Reconstruction. For 8 years, he has gained extensive experience in teaching. He has developed 6 teaching aids, as well as a teaching manual for the disciplines taught. Subjects taught in 2017: Practical classes: "Architectural design", "Restoration design" Lectures: "Fundamentals of reconstruction of historical cities" "Engineering strengthening of historical monuments" "Designing in conditions of renovation" During his time at the university, he contributed to the architectural pedagogy of the Institute, was a multiple winner of international, republican architectural exhibitions. In recent years, he has been dealing with the problem of the development of ethnoarchitecture
Kyrgyzstan. An active participant in international and national competitions. Laureate of the architectural award "Usta", silver diploma holder of the international architectural rating "Golden Capital", Diploma holder of the Aitmatov State Prize
Profiles in scientometric databases:
- 1. ORCID: 0000-0001-7680-9103
- 2. Google Scholar: Нияз Мусакеев
- 3. Web of Science ResearcherID: ISU-0021-2023
- 4. РИНЦ AuthorID: Spin-код : 6271-1924
- 5. Scopus Author ID: Нияз Мусакеев
- 6. Нияз Мусакеев