Moldalieva Iskra Tabyldievna

Moldalieva Iskra Tabyldievna
Senior Lecturer

Specialization:Art critic

Work experience in the specialty: 7 years

Scientific and pedagogical experience: 9 years old

Research work:

Since 2016, he has been a postgraduate student at the Department of "RRAN". Currently, he is actively working on his scientific dissertation topic: "Architectural decor Kyrgyzstan". He is the author of several articles in international and national scientific journals. Winner of international and national architectural competitions

Professional development:

1. XIII International two-stage student competition “Designing the multicomfort house “Saint-Cobain” in Madrid (as a graduate student) (Diploma)

2. International Scientific and Architectural Conference “Central Asia Modern Architecture of Kyrgyzstan" (Diploma)

3.International Conference "The 2nd nd International conference on Eurasian scientific development" Vienna, 2017 (Certificate) Scientific seminar 4. "Monuments of Kyrgyzstan as part of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage" (Certificate)

5. International Forum "Preservation and Development of native languages in a multinational state: problems and prospects" in Kazan, 2018 (Certificate)

6.MASA ST. Petersburg 2018 Exhibition (Diploma) Competition for the project

7.Memorial historical and cultural Museum complex "Chyngyz-Ordo" in the village of Sheker Bishkek, 2019 (Award, diploma)

8. Training seminar of the Agency for quality assurance in the field of education "EDNET". 2019 (Certificate)

9. Training seminar “Bilim-Standard” Bishkek 2020

10.Engineering pedagogy 2021-2022

Subjects taught:

  • Art History
  • The history of architecture

Profiles in scientometric databases:

Телефон: (0312) 545 791

Кабинет: 1/711


Стаж работы: 9