Sariev Baktybek Imangazievich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department "Power Supply"
Academic degree and academic title: Candidate of Technical Sciences 2018
Education: higher
Master of Engineering and Technology in the direction of “Electric Power Engineering” of I. Razzakov KSTU 2008
Candidate of Technical Sciences, subject: "Development of a symmetrical device in 0.4 kV distribution networks" Head of Ph.D., Professor M.A. Suerkulov, specialty: 05.20.02 – Electrical technology and electrical equipment in agriculture. Dissertation Council D 05.16.536
Subjects taught:
Design of power supply systems, modeling in power supply systems, electromagnetic compatibility in the electric power industry, electrical networks of power supply systems, etc.
Profiles in scientometric databases:
2. Webofscience :
3. РИНЦ(elibrary):
SPIN-код: 5640-7327
4. Google Scholar:
5. ResearcherID (WoS):
Research work: Senior Researcher
"Improving the efficiency of electrical distribution networks and the operating modes of their elements". Research Report, 2012-2013.
"Improving the efficiency of electrical distribution networks", Research Report, 2013
"Development of proposals to reduce commercial EE losses in 0.4-35 kV electrical networks". Research Report, 2014.
"Development of calculation methods and recommendations for improving the reliability and stability of the operating modes of the Kyrgyz power system, taking into account the expected commissioning of new capacities for the period up to 2020" Research Report, 2018-2020
Main publications
Educational and methodical material
Methodical instructions for performing laboratory work on the discipline "Electrical networks of power supply systems" for students of the specialty "Power supply" / I. Razzakov KSTU; Comp.: Abdieva Z.E., Sariev B.I. - B.: IC "Technician". 2012. - 26 p.
Methodological guidelines for the performance of laboratory work on the discipline "Electromagnetic compatibility in the electric power industry" for students of the direction "Electric Power Engineering" / I. Razzakov KSTU; Comp.: Kasmambetov H.T., Sariev B.I., Abdieva Z.E., . - B.: IC "Technician". 2016. - 24 p.
Methodical instructions for performing laboratory work on the discipline "Modeling in power supply systems" for students of the direction "Electric power Engineering" / I. Razzakov KSTU; Comp.: Sariev B.I., Kasmambetov H.T., Dzhusupbekova N.K., . - B.: IC "Technician". 2016. - 24 p.
Methodical instruction for performing laboratory work No. 4 on the discipline "Information software for ES tasks" B., KSTU named after I. Razzakov; Comp.: Sariev B.I., Bishkek, IC "Teknik", KSTU, 2017. 28 p.
Quality management of electric power industry (Textbook) Comp.: Sariev B.I., Sukulov M.A., Bishkek, IC "Teknik", KSTU, 2018. 56 p.
Certificate 271 of the Kyrgyz Republic, A symmetrical device for single-phase consumers in 0.4 kV distribution electric networks [Text] / B.I. Sariev, H.T. Kasmambetov; No. 20130008.6; application. 08.05.2013; publ. 31.07.2013, Bul. No. 7(172).- 2 p .
Certificate 272 of the Kyrgyz Republic, A three-phase voltage converter with stabilization of output parameters of a single-phase AC network [Text] / H.T. Kasmambetov, B.I. Sariev; No. 20130009.6; application 17.05.2013; publ. 31.07.2013, Bul. No. 7(172).- 2 p .
Patent 187 of the Kyrgyz Republic, IPC H02J/ 26. Device for automatic switching of single-phase consumers [Text] / B.I. Sariev, H.T. Kasmambetov, M.A. Sukulov, Z.E. Abdieva; No. 2014004.2; application 27.06.2014; publ. 31.07.2015, Bul. No. 7(196).- 15 p .
1.Sariev B.I. Methodology for calculating electricity losses in 0.38 kV networks based on measured voltages in feeder sections [Text] / B.I. Sariev // Izvestiya KSTU I. I. Razzakov No. 23, Bishkek: 2011.- pp.38-42.
2. Sariev B.I. Methodology for estimating voltage asymmetry parameters in 0.38 kV networks based on measured voltages in feeder sections [Text] / B.I. Sariev // Izvestiya KSTU I. I.Razzakova No. 23, Bishkek: KSTU, 2011.- pp. 103-106.
3. Sariev B.I. Prospects of the energy strategy of the Kyrgyz Republic and the role of personnel training for its successful implementation [Text] / B.I. Sariev, V.M. Kasymova, Z.E. Abdieva, R.B. Kurzhumbayeva, H.T. Kasmambetov, // International Scientific Research Journal - No. 7-3 (61), -Yekaterinburg: 2017. pp. 41-44. (Impact factor of RSCI 2016: 0.145 ).
4. Sariev B.I. Influence of voltage asymmetry on electricity losses in power supply systems [Text] / B.I. Sariev, Z.E. Abdieva, R.B. Kurzhumbaeva, H.T. Kasmambetov // Scientific and Technical Journal "Automation and Software Engineering" Novosibirsk Institute of Software Systems, - Novosibirsk 2017. - No.2 (20) pp. 46-51. (Impact factor of RSCI 2016: 0.235 ).
5. Sariev B.I. Improving the quality of electricity in 0.38 kV networks based on power consumption management. [Text] / B.I. Sariev, Z.E. Abdieva, R.B. Kurzhumbaeva, H.T. Kasmambetov, A.S. Ryrsaliev // Izvestiya KSTU I. I.Razzakova Volume: 44 No. 4. Bishkek 2017. pp. 235-240
6. Sariev B.I. Experimental study of the asymmetry of a three-phase voltage system. [Text] / R.B. Kurzhumbayeva, Z.E. Abdieva, H.T. Kasmambetov. Scientific and Technical Bulletin of Bryansk State University, 2018, No. 2. pp. 218-225 (Impact factor of RSCI 2018 0.752).
7. Sariev B.I. Evaluation of the influence of harmonics on digital relays [Text] / B.I. Sariev, A.S. Ryrsaliev, Y.A. Kudaibergenov // Internauka. 2019. No. 22-2 (104). pp. 9-17.
Professional development:
"New methodological and technological approaches to the organization of the educational process using electronic educational programs" I. Razzakov KSTU IDOiPK
Certificate No. 419. 12/25/2012
"Tactics of information security" of I. Razzakov KSTU IDOiPK
Certificate No. 565. 12/20/2013
"Organization of the educational process using distance learning technologies based on credit technologies" I. Razzakov KSTU IDOiPK
Certificate No. 811. 30.04.2015
"AutoCAD in 2D and 3D. Drawing Technologies" I. Razzakov KSTU IDOiPK
Certificate No. 837. 11.06.2015
"Improving the quality of electricity in 0.4 kV distribution networks" National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute"
Certificate 26.02.2016
"Modern information technologies in the field of education. The use of electronic publications in the educational process" Electronic library system IPRbooks in the field of education.
Certificate 24.05.2017
"Renewable Energy Course" is a joint knowledge creation program aimed at young leaders implemented by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Kitakiushu International Technical Cooperation Association (KITA) (Japan)
Certificate 12.12.2017
«Intermediate Level (B1)» English academy
Certificate 2018
«Diagnostics of hydro turbine & generator» GE Hydro Technical training
Certificate 19.01.2019
"Fundamentals of NI LabVIEW" National instruments
Certificate 29.02.2020
"Computer literacy" of I. Razzakov KSTU ON and PC
Certificate No. 191. 21.07.2020
"Diversity of author identifiers: Publons, ORCID, ResearchGate, Google Scholar" Clarivate Web of Science
Certificate 6.11.2020
"What will be the engineering education of the future" International Scientific and Methodological Center of NRU MEPhI
Certificate 11.11.2020
"Evaluation of the publication activity of the organization" Clarivate Web of Science
Certificate 12.11.2020
"Educational technologies of the future: what awaits engineering and computing sciences in the next 10 years?" International Scientific and Methodological Center of MEPhI
Certificate of 18.11.2020
"Basics of HTML and CSS" Netology
Certificate 19.11.2020
"Discovery and presentation of knowledge: the perspective of the analysis of formal concepts" International Scientific and Methodological Center of MEPhI
Certificate of 24.11.2020
2010 - Certificate of Honor of KSTU
2011 - Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic
2013 - Certificate of Honor of JSC "SeverElectro"
2015 - Certificate of Honor of JSC "National Electric Grid of Kyrgyzstan"
2017 - Letter of thanks to I.Razzakov KSTU.
2018 - Certificate of Honor "NATIONAL ENERGY HOLDING"
2019 - Letter of thanks to I.Razzakov KSTU.
2019 - Letter of thanks to I.Razzakov KSTU.
2019 - Gratitude to the I.Razzakov KSTU.
2019 - Gratitude of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic
2019 - Letter of thanks to I.Razzakov KSTU.
2019 - Diploma "Festival brighter together" KSPEN KG
Total work experience: 14 years
Teaching experience: Year 14