Dzhusupbekova N.K.

Dzhusupbekova Nazira Kubanychbekovna
senior lecturer

Dzhusupbekova Nazira Kubanychbekovna

Phone 0771 37 04 27

Education: higher

Master of Engineering and Technology in the specialty “Power Supply” Kyrgyz Technical University, 2004

 Subjects taught:

Modeling in power supply systems, electromagnetic compatibility in the electric power industry, electrical networks of the power supply system.

 Research work: junior research assistant

contractual research and development "Assessment of electricity losses, development of regulatory characteristics and recommendations for reducing electricity losses in 0.4-35 kV distribution networks of JSC Oshelectro, Vostokelectro, Jalabadelectro, Severelectro, "Development of calculation methods and recommendations for reducing electricity losses in 0.4-35 kV distribution networks", 2003- 2007. customers - RECs;

state-funded research and development: "Research on the reliability and quality of power supply to the distribution power grids of Kyrgyzstan and the development of recommendations for their modernization", 2018-2020. customer – MOiN;

 Main publications

Educational and methodical material

Power supply systems and substations in power supply systems.Methodological guidelines for practical work No. 1 for students of the specialty "Power supply" and "Energy saving" of full-time and distance learning. Dzhusupbekova N.K. IC "Technik", 2017.
Power supply systems and substations in power supply systems.Methodological guidelines for practical work No. 2 for students of the specialty "Power supply" and "Energy saving" of full-time and distance learning. Dzhusupbekova N.K. IC "Technik", 2017.
 Power supply systems and substations in power supply systems.Methodological guidelines for practical work No. 3 and No. 4 for students of the specialty "Power supply" and "Energy saving" of full-time and distance learning. Bokoeva Zh.A., Dzhusupbekova N.K. IC "Technik", 2017.
Power supply systems and substations in power supply systems.Methodological guidelines for practical work No. 5 and No. 6 for students of the specialty "Power supply" and "Energy saving" of full-time and distance learning. Dzhusupbekova N.K., Dzhumaeva A.I. IC "Technik", 2017.
Electromagnetic compatibility in the electric power industry: Guidelines for laboratory work for students of the direction 640200 "Electric Power Engineering and electrical engineering" of full-time and distance learning. Asanov A.K., Dzhusupbekova N.K. , IC "Technik", 2018
Electrenergetikadagi elektrmagnetik shaikeshtik. sabagi boyuncha laboratoryalyk zhumushtardy zhurguzu boyuncha usulduk korsotm Asanov A.K., Dzhusupbekova N.K. , IC "Technik", 2020
"Modeling in power supply systems" Methodological guidelines for laboratory work for full-time and part-time students of the 640200 Electric power engineering and electrical engineering profile "Power supply", Energy Saving". Sariev B.I., Kasmambetov H.T., Dzhusupbekova N.K.
Methodological guidelines for performing laboratory work for students of the specialty "Electric Power engineering and electrical engineering" of full-time and distance learning in the discipline "Installation and commissioning of electrical equipment of urban and rural networks" by the authors Asanova A.K., Asieva A.T. and Dzhusupbekova N.K. IC "Technician", 2022

Articles 2017-2023

Dzhusupbekova N.K. Development of a methodology for calculating electricity losses in 0.4 kV networks under operating conditions (article) Izvestiya KSTU, No. 2 (42), 2017.
Asanov A.K., Tokhtamov S.S., Timchenko A.P. Investigation of static characteristics of household electric receivers by voltage. Bulletin of the KRSU, Volume 17.-No.12 Bishkek, 2017.
Zhusubalieva B.K., Bokoeva J.A. Features of rural housing in relation to heat losses. (article) Izvestia of KSTU, No.4 (44), 2017.
 Asanov A.K., Dzhusupbekova N.K., Batyrbekov B.K. Investigation of the electrophysical characteristics of the soil of energy facilities in Kyrgyzstan // Proceedings of Universities of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, 2022. – No.6. – pp. 3-8.
Asanov A.K., Asiev A.T., Dzhusupbekova N.K., Dushenova U.J. Probabilistic and statistical analysis of household electricity consumption in the city of Karakol // Science, new technologies and innovations of Kyrgyzstan. – Bishkek, 2022. – No.6. – pp. 19-24.         
 Asanov A.K., Dzholdoshbekov B.Zh., Dzhusupbekova N.K., Arkarchieva M.K. Investigation of the influence of soil resistance on the resistance of grounding devices (on the example of the Naryn region) // Problems of automation and control, Bishkek, 2022. – №2 (44). – Pp. 70-76.
Tentiev R.B., Dzhusupbekova N.K., Asanov A.K. Experimental and computational determination of the electromagnetic environment of the 110 kV Parkovaya substation// Problems of automation and control, Bishkek, 2023. – №3 (48).
Professional development:

Certificate No. 53, from 05/14/2018 to 05/15/2018 Issued by JSC Severelectro, for a refresher course in the specialty "Metrology, standardization and certification".
Certificate, seminar. from 14.01.2019 to 19.01.2019 GE Hydro Technical Training "Diagnostics of hydro turbine and generator". KSTU. KR
Certificate, seminar from 1.07.2019 to 03.07.2019. GE Hydro Technical Training "Environment, health and safety ". KSTU.
The certificate of the listener of the open lecture of the International Methodological Center of the National Research University of MEPhI. "Virtual laboratory work: from creation to implementation in the educational process", May 13, 2020
The certificate of the listener of the open lecture of the International Methodological Center of the National Research University of MEPhI. "Didactics of the future: how will the figure change teaching?", November 5, 2020.
The certificate of the listener of the open lecture of the International Methodological Center of the National Research University of MEPhI. "Educational technologies of the future: what awaits computing and engineering sciences in the next 10 years", November 18, 2020.
Certificate of advanced training of the International Scientific School on Tariff Regulation. 04/5/2021 – 04/12/2021, (72h). Kazan, KGEU. Online.
Certificate of professional development. "Protection of intellectual property rights", Kyrgyzpatent, 6-28.02.2023.
Certificate of advanced training in the program "IT in education" 05.10.2020-07.11.2020 (72h).


Certificate of honor of AOA "Severelectro", 2007

Certificate of Honor of the I. Razzakov KSTU, 2011

Certificate of Honor of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2015

Jubilee medal "60 years of I. Razzakov KSTU EF", 2017

Gratitude of the Faculty of Energy of I. Razzakov KSTU, 2017.

Certificate of Honor of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2019

Alkysh barakchasy, I.Razzakov atyndagi KMTU, 2020j.

Certificate of Honor National Energy Holding Company, 2022.

Total work experience: 20 years

Teaching experience:  19 years old

Profiles in scientometric databases:

1) ScopusID _  

2) ResearcherID Web of Science: _ A-8872-2018 

3) RSCI: __Spin code: 2417-1568

4) GoogleScholar:

ORCID:__ 0000-0003-1958-3915__

5) ResearcherGate:
