
Name of discipline Teacher Volume Direction
Computer science 1 Alymkulova A.A. Alymkulova AA 120 Telematics, Logistics
Computer science 2 Alymkulova AA 120 Telematics
Physics of transmitting means Eshimbekova RS 90 Telematics
Databases 1 Medralieva B.N. 120 Telematics
Databases 2 Medralieva B.N. 120 Telematics
TMS Sultangaziyeva RT 120 Telematics
OOP Sultangaziyeva RT 120 Telematics
Mobile communications Eshimbekova RS 180 Telematics
Telematics Mambetisayev SN 120 Telematics
KIS Bakalova AT 120 Telematics
Medical databases Medralieva BN 120 Biotechnical systems and technologies
Computer Graphics Alymkulova A.A. 120 Telematics
Electrotechnical and Electrical Eshimbekova RS 150 Telematics
Programming 1 Koshoeva BB 150 Telematics
Metrology Eshimbekova RS 120 Telematics
E-business Medralieva B.N. 120 Telematics
Sensory networks Layliev AA 120 Telematics
Internet programs. Sultangaziyeva RT 180 Telematics
Digital signal processing Turdalieva A.A. 150 Telematics
Units and elements of used physical systems Lailiev A.A. 150 Biotechnical systems and technologies
Programmer mob. devices Sultangaziyeva RT 120 Telematics
Auto theory. Management Koshoeva BB 150 Telematics
Network databases Medralieva B.N 150 Telematics
Technical English in telemat Bakalova AT 120 Telematics
Internet communications Sultangaziyeva RT 150 Telematics
Geomatics1 / GIS Bakalova A.T. 120 Telematics
ISUP Mambetisayev S.N. 120 Telematics
IB and ZI Alymkulova A.A 150 Telematics
Intelligent Systems Bakalova BB 120 Telematics
Virt Reality Bakalova AT 120 Telematics
Microprocessor systems in BST Sultangaziyeva RT 150 Biotechnical systems and technologies
Sist.anal and TPR Koshoeva BB 120 Biotechnical systems and technologies
Methods b / honey signals Turdalieva AA 150 Biotechnical systems and technologies
Biomed radioelectron. Layliev AA 120 Biotechnical systems and technologies
Oper. systems Bakalova AT 120 Telematics
POTOD Bakalova A.T. 120 Telematics
IPR Bakalova A.T. 120 Telematics
TKM network and services Layliev AA 120 Telematics
SRV Bakalova A.T. 120 Telematics
Glob. System. navigation Eshimbekova R.S. 150 Telematics
Exercise in biotech. systems Koshoeva BB 150 Biotechnical systems and technologies
Electronic Asia Medralieva B.N 120 Telematics