Shalabay Tatiana Leonidovna

Shalabay Tatiana Leonidovna
i.o. docent



  • Higher, 1972-1978 FPI, specialty "Dynamics and strength of machines", qualification - mechanical research engineer. , postgraduate student of Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman, Moscow (1982/1985)

Work experience:

  • From 1978 - assistant, from 1994 -2020 - senior lecturer of the department "Metrology and standardization" of KSTU. I. Razzakova.
  • Since 2020 - acting associate professor MiS
  • 2013-2014 - Part-time work as the head of the reference laboratory of time, frequency, electrical and radio engineering quantities of the Center for Standards and Metrology of the Kyrgyz Republic (CSM KR)
  • Since 2017 - academic advisor of the direction "standardization and certification"

Scientific and methodical work:

  • More than 40 scientific and methodical works published, including 6 articles from 2018 to 2020
  • 8 EMCs (Educational Methodological Complexes) have been developed
  • Professional knowledge and skills:

Experience in developing uncertainty assessment procedures

  • Knowledge of legislation and regulatory framework in metrology
  • Computer and office equipment skills
  • Working knowledge of reference and measuring equipment
  • Providing consulting services to testing laboratories in preparation for accreditation

Profile in the scientometric database:


Кабинет: 3/205


Гр.работы: 8:00-17:00

Стаж работы: 42
