For the entrant

For applicants

Any young man, boy or girl who has graduated from school or a secondary specialized institution solves the problem of choosing a specialty in which he or she will have to live and earn money in later life.

At the same time, the chosen specialty should, at a minimum, provide him with guaranteed employment, with a decent salary, and also be interesting in essence and meet the requirements of society today and tomorrow.

Some of these specialties are current areas:

  • Quality control

Profile : Quality management of products and enterprises based on information technology.

  • Standardization and metrology

Profile : Standardization, metrology and information technologies of production

Graduates receive comprehensive training in engineering, economics, in the field of quality management and mastery of digital technologies and therefore can work in any sector of the national economy as engineers, managers, management and quality specialists in firms (enterprises) and government agencies.

         1. Why can graduates work in any enterprise?

Metrology is the science of measurement . In any industry in the electric power industry, food, light, construction, mining, agricultural, engineering, etc. industries require measurements when releasing products. Without measurement, production is impossible. Measurements are the basis for quality control and product certification.

Any product must comply with the standard. Currently, any product (from drinking water to computers and cell phones, clothing, equipment, machines, machines) is produced in accordance with standards.  Standards are developed in state (Kyrgyzstandard), international (ISO) organizations and enterprises in various industries.

Any organization or enterprise strives to ensure the quality of its products, as this increases its competitiveness. For this purpose, in developed world countries such as the USA, Japan, Germany, the science of quality management theory has been developed, which our students study.

Products manufactured according to the standard are considered to be of high quality and are issued a certificate of conformity.

Therefore, a specialist who knows standardization, certification, quality management and metrology can work in any organization and enterprise in all sectors of the national economy.

Each enterprise and organization, in order to improve the quality of their products, opens product quality departments where our graduates and specialists work.

The system for confirming product quality is universal and also operates in the countries of the Eurasian Community, the European Union and other countries of the world. Therefore, our graduates are in demand in all countries of the near and far abroad.

Having the necessary amount of knowledge and skills acquired in the process of studying in their chosen specialty, graduates of the Department of MiS can choose the most prestigious job:

  • heads of companies and enterprises;
  • customs control inspector;
  • expert (specialist) in standardization committees;
  • expert in certification bodies;
  • expert in testing laboratories;
  • expert in inspections for product quality control;
  • Head of the Department for Quality Management of Production Processes and Services;
  • engineer for metrology, quality, certification of products (services);
  • specialist in metrology, standardization, technical documentation;
  • Head of the Product Operational Quality Department;
  • Head of the Department for Quality Management of Production Processes and Services;
  • engineer, manager and head of quality management of production processes and provision of services of any production, any industry.

2. Why do graduates receive a decent salary?

Our graduates are in demand in various fields and are 100% employed (with a decent salary from 30 - 60 thousand soms).

They work:

  • in the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic, Kyrgyzstandard, in certification bodies, the Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic; university teachers.
  • in the companies “Coca-cola”, “Arpa”, Abdysh-Ata”, “Shoro”, “Wimm-Bill-Dann”, etc.;
  • at industrial enterprises: Mailisu Electric Tube Plant, Ainur Plant, Plant named after.   "Lenina", Plant "Tyazhelektromash", etc.;
  • at other enterprises: Customs Service, Kyrgyztelecom, Gazprom Neft Asia, Manas Airport, etc.

The partners and employers of the Department of Metrology and Standardization are the following companies:

  • JSC "Ainur Plant"
  • Kyrgyzstandart (national body for standardization and metrology)
  • Avtomash-Radiator LLC
  • OJSC "Bishkek Metallurgical Plant"
  • Institute of Mechanical Science of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • Kyrgyz Accreditation Center
  • National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • Certification bodies LLC "Kyrgyzsert", "Megasert", etc.
  • FEZ "Bishkek"

The employment of our graduates can be viewed on our website: Graduate Employment

3. Why does the knowledge of graduates meet the requirements of modern society?

Currently, the most relevant specialties are those related to information technology. Our students study one discipline of computer technology each semester, such as: 1. Fundamentals of computer science and programming (Working with the Windows operating system, file system). 2. Use of office applications in standardization (Word, PDF, Excel, PowerPoint), 3. ESKD and ESTPP standards using computer graphics, 4. Automation in standardization 1 (Use of a database), 5. Automation in standardization 2 (Programming based Java), 6. Advanced Excel tools in standardization, 7. Mathematical models in measurement systems. Thus, 25% of the disciplines studied are computer technology disciplines.

4. Why and how is high knowledge of graduates ensured?

The Department of Metrology and Standardization employs highly qualified specialists, including 3 doctors and 5 candidates of technical sciences.

The results of highly qualified training are confirmed by 100% employment of graduates, as well as the achievements of students.

The fact that at the M&S department students achieve outstanding results and become the best of the best is evidenced by the awarding of a presidential scholarship to them (60 thousand soms). For example:

  • In 2019-20, two students: Duishenalieva K., Mirbek kyzy Aidana, were awarded a scholarship from the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.
  • In 2020-2021, student Sushkova Yu. was also awarded a scholarship from the President of the Kyrgyz Republic (group SSM-1-17)
  • Bochkarev Denis recognized as the best student of Kyrgyzstan 2021
  • In 2022-23, student SSMb-1-19 Yulia Shestova was awarded a scholarship from the President of the Kyrgyz Republic

5. Why our graduates can study at universities in the EURASEC countries.

The department has bilateral agreements on joint training of students with Russian federal state budgetary educational institutions of higher education

  1. "Baltic State Technical University "VOENMECH" named after. D.F. Ustinova" St. Petersburg
  2. Tomsk Polytechnic University
  3. Mordovian State University named after. Ogareva
  4. In the Republic of Kazakhstan 1. International Taraz Innovation Institute.

Students of the department M&S studied for one (or more) semester:

  1. Nurkalieva Elnura (gr. SSMb-1-21) - Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, RUDN, Moscow, specialty: Standardization, certification and metrology. Studied for one semester from 09/01/2023 to 12/30/2023, successfully passing the exams.
  2. Mukashov Nurak (gr. SSMb-1-19) - Studied and graduated from the 2+2 program at the Baltic Technical University named after. Ustinova, St. Petersburg. He studied in the 1st and 2nd years at KSTU named after I. Razzakov, in the 3rd and 4th years he studied under the joint program of BSTU in St. Petersburg.
  3. Duishenalieva Kyzzhibek and Zhorokulova Albina - In 2022, they completed their master's degree in Standardization, Certification and Metrology, with honors, at the Baltic Technical University named after. Ustinova, St. Petersburg.

6. Additional information.

We live in an era of great geopolitical and economic transformation.  Due to economic sanctions, the Russian Federation is reorienting itself to the markets of Kyrgyzstan. Exports of some types of light and clothing products from Kyrgyzstan to Russia have increased up to 200 times!

Since only certified products are allowed on the market , the load on the certification bodies of Kyrgyzstan has increased many times and an urgent need has arisen for our graduates, that is, certification specialists.

  1. Students at the department are given the opportunity to master computer technologies in a computer class with Internet access, and gain skills in working with unique laboratory equipment in the laboratories of the department and Kyrgyzstandart.
  2. Currently, many companies resort to the help of foreign specialists to analyze and improve the quality of their products.
    Specialists capable of solving engineering and management problems in the field of quality are in demand in all countries. The quality of any type of product and service is assessed at different stages: design, production, transportation, storage, customs control, certification and during state supervision. During the training process, students will gain knowledge on modern methods of quality management of products, services, personnel, production, as well as knowledge of certification, quality management systems, customs control, marketing, information technology, etc.
  3. Since the 80s, training of specialists in the field of quality has become an urgent task in industrialized countries. The problem of product quality management is considered as the most important national task in Japan; annual “quality months” are organized in the USA; in Sweden, Holland and other European countries, by government decision, nationwide campaigns to fight for quality are carried out. By the end of World War II, Japanese goods were of poor quality, and after the introduction of quality management systems over the next five years, the country achieved the above-mentioned “phenomenon.” Japanese firms have practically supplanted their competitors in the world market.
    A powerful impetus to the acquisition of knowledge in the field of quality and to the creation of quality management systems at enterprises is associated with the adoption in 1987 of the international standards ISO 9000 series, which describe quality management models for enterprises, organizations and institutions in any field of activity. The universal nature of these standards and the quality systems described in them requires deep knowledge of the theory and methods of enterprise management through quality. The integration of Kyrgyzstan into the world economic system and successful competition with other countries are unthinkable without a significant increase in the quality of domestic products. In the conditions of the Kyrgyz Republic becoming a member of the WTO and of the Law “On the Fundamentals of Technical Regulation in the Kyrgyz Republic”, there was an urgent need to train young specialists in specialty 700400 “Quality Management” who are versed in modern levels of quality management. It should be noted that in almost all enterprises and industries of the Kyrgyz Republic, regardless of their form of ownership, specialists who implement modern quality management systems are in demand.
  4. Due to the acute shortage of specialists in the field of quality management and at the request of the heads of enterprises and firms at KSTU. I. Razzakova, a new specialty “Quality Management” was opened at the Department of Metrology and Standardization .
    During the training process, students will gain knowledge on modern methods of quality management of products, services, personnel, production, which has been tested at Japanese enterprises and led to the “Japanese miracle” in quality development, as well as knowledge on certification, quality management systems, customs control, marketing, information technology etc.
    Graduates can work as engineers, managers, specialists in firms (enterprises) of various forms of ownership, government supervisory and control bodies (including customs), in certification bodies and in other sectors of the economy. Graduates will become certified specialists and receive the qualification “ engineer-manager" for quality management.
    Specialists capable of solving engineering and management problems in the field of quality are in demand in all countries.
  5. The quality of any type of product and service is assessed at different stages: design, production, transportation, storage, customs control, certification and during state supervision.
    Currently, many companies resort to the help of foreign specialists to analyze and improve the quality of their products. Specialists capable of solving engineering and management problems in the field of quality are in demand in all countries. The quality of any type of product and service is assessed at different stages: design, production, transportation , storage, customs control, certification and state supervision. During the training process, students will gain knowledge on modern methods of quality management of products, services, personnel, production, as well as knowledge on certification, quality management systems, customs control, marketing, information technology, etc. Graduates
    can work as engineers, managers, specialists in firms (enterprises) of various forms of ownership, government supervisory and control authorities (including customs), in certification bodies and in other sectors of the economy.