Oyozbekova Nuri Oyozbekovna

Oyozbekova Nuri Oyozbekovna
Senior Lecturer



  • Higher, KSTU named after I. Razzakov, 2008, specialty - "standardization and certification".

Work experience:

  • From 2008 to the present time - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Metrology and Standardization, KSTU named after I. Razzakov. Leading lecturer in the disciplines "Metrology", "Metrological support of quality systems", "Customs law". "Metrology, standardization and certification" "Standardization".


  • "Development of technical regulations". CPC and PPK NISM, 2009
  • "New legislation and modern practice in the field of technical regulation, standardization, metrology and QMS", CPC and PPK NISM, 2010
  • "Modern issues of technical regulation, standardization, metrology and quality management (for universities), 2014.
  • Institute of Modern Information Technologies in Education "Pedagogical Excellence", 2015

Scientific and methodological work:

  • More than 10 scientific and methodological works have been published.

Profile in the scientometric database:


Телефон: (0312) 59-51-98 (раб.), (0703) 13-25-13 (моб.)

e-mail: nuri@kstu.kg

Гр.работы: 8:00-17:00

Стаж работы: 11
