[Translate to English:] Муратбек к Аида

Muratbekova Aida Muratbekovna

Academic degree:Master's degree in the field: 553501 "Environmental protection", Master's educational program specialization - Vol.35.305(5535.305) "Industrial ecology and rational use of natural resources



In 2008, she graduated from the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture. Faculty: "Ecology and Energy Conservation" in the direction – 553501 – "Environmental protection", specialty: 5535.01.02 "Environmental engineering", qualification: environmental engineer.

In 2010-2014, postgraduate study by correspondence at the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture, specialty: 05.23.04. – "Water supply and sewerage, construction systems for water protection"

Current position: from 2008-2010, Secretary–Operator at the Institute of Ecology and Energy Conservation at the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture.

Current position: from 2010-2013, lecturer at the Department of "Water Supply and Sanitation" at the KGUSTA named after N. Isanov. She was elected by competition to the position of teacher in 2012.

Current position: from 2015-2018, teacher of the Department of "WSS" at the KGUSTA named after N. Isanov

Current position:from 2023 to the present, lecturer at the Department of "WSS" at the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov,

Subjects taught:

• Wastewater disposal and treatment

• Water treatment

• Fundamentals of industrial water supply and sanitation


Scientific projects:

Current position: since 2017, a researcher at the state budget research work on the topic "Research on the effectiveness of natural and wastewater treatment technologies using local materials".

Current position: from 2019-2021, Laboratory assistant of the state budget research work on the topic "Improving the technology of obtaining drinking water from surface sources of the Kyrgyz Republic".


Main publications

 Articles (for the last 5 years):

1. Aliyeva J.E., Karimov T.H., Baigazy kyzy N., Muratbekova A.M. Toktosunova D.A., Kulbaev D.S., "Kyrgyz Republikasynda ichyuchu suunu aludagy ekologiyalyk aspectileri" Collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the International scientific and practical conference "Modern trends in construction: problems and solutions", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the outstanding statesman and politician of the Kyrgyz Republic Nasirdin Isanov Vol.7. Bishkek 2023 C:


Advanced training courses (for the last 3 years):


1) Certificate of advanced training under the program "IT technologies in education" in the amount of 36 hours from October to November 18, 2023 Center for Advanced Training Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov

2) Certificate of record keeping in the state language with the Kyrgyz spelling" 72 hours from March 11 to April 22, 2024. The Center for Advanced Training of I. Razzakov KSTU.



2012 Diploma of the Institute of Ecology and Energy Conservation of the KGUST named after N. Isanov, Bishkek


Profiles in scientometric databases:

  1. ORCID:
  2. ScopusID^
  3. ResearcherID Web of Science:
  4. Google Scholar:
  5. РИНЦ:                              AuthorID SPIN-код
  6. ResearchGate: