Methodical work

Issued teaching aids

The teaching staff (as well as with their assistance) issued the following teaching aids and workshops with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic:

The program of the final state certification of undergraduates in the areas of training 750500 Construction "Water supply and sanitation" (academic degree - "master"). KGUSTA them. N. Isanova, authors: Karimov T. Kh. Baigazy kyzy N. Bishkek, 2017

Design of internal water supply and sewer networks of buildings. Guidelines for the implementation of settlement and graphic work for students on the profile 750500 Construction "Water supply and sanitation". KGUSTA them. N. Isanova, authors: Abdyldabekov K. T. Mirbek kyzy N. Bishkek, 2017

Drainage systems of industrial enterprises: Guidelines for the implementation of practical exercises for students of environmental specialties. KGUSTA them. N. Isanova, authors: Karimov T. Kh. Baigazy kyzy N. Bishkek, 2015

Guidelines for the course project "Drainage systems of industrial enterprises" for students on the profile 750500 Construction "Water supply and sanitation". KGUSTA them. N. Isanova, author: Karimov T. Kh. Bishkek, 2015

Guidelines for the course project "Drainage networks" for students on the profile 750500 Construction "Water supply and sanitation". KGUSTA them. N. Isanova, authors: Karimov T. Kh. Baigazy kyzy N. Bishkek, 2015

Natural water purification technology: Methodological guide to the implementation of the course project for students on the profile 750500 Construction "Water supply and sanitation". KGUSTA them. N. Isanova, authors: Karimov T. Kh. Baigazy kyzy N. Bishkek, 2015

Natural water purification technology: Methodological guide to laboratory work for students on the profile 750500 Construction "Water supply and sanitation". KGUSTA them. N. Isanova, authors: Karimov T. Kh. Baigazy kyzy N. Bishkek, 2015

Water supply network: Guidelines for the implementation of the course project for students on the profile 750500 Construction "Water supply and sanitation". KGUSTA them. N. Isanova, authors: Karimov T. Kh. Baigazy kyzy N. Bishkek, 2015

Guidelines for the course project "Operation of water supply and sanitation systems" for students on the profile 750500 Construction "Water supply and sanitation". KGUSTA them. N. Isanova, authors: Kochorbaeva Z. B. Orozakhunova S. K. Mirbek kyzy N. Bishkek, 2015

Water disposal and wastewater treatment: Guidelines for the implementation of laboratory work for students on the profile 750500 Construction "Water supply and sanitation". KGUSTA them. N. Isanova, authors: Karimov T. Kh. Baigazy kyzy N. Bishkek, 2015

Guidelines for the course project "Urban wastewater treatment" for students on the profile 750500 Construction "Water supply and sanitation". KGUSTA them. N. Isanova, authors: Karimov T. Kh. Baigazy kyzy N. Bishkek, 2015

In Kyrgyz:

Tyshky suu tarmaktaryn jana kurulmalaryn dolboorloo. 750500 "Kurulush" bagyty, "Suu menen zhabduu zhana suulardy agyzuu" profile practitioner sabagy boyuncha usulduk korsötmo. KMKTAU N. Isanovdun atyndagy, tүzgöndör: Abdyldabekov K. T. Mirbek kyzy N. Bishkek, 2019.