Educational work

Educational work of curators of 1-2 courses

Individual work with students, the degree of adaptation to the conditions of the institute, the level of claims, the adequacy of self-esteem, the degree of development of creative abilities, the professional orientation of activity, cognitive activity and independence, interest in research work - the joint activity of curators, self-government bodies in the formation of positive motivation for the professional training of students , creating in a group of mutual respect for students studying for each other, helping students studying in acquiring social and life experience, in moral and cultural development.

Educational work of curators of 3-4 courses

Educational work with students of the 3rd year of the department "VV" is carried out throughout the academic year. Educational conversations are held about the culture of behavior and ethics within the walls of the university and outside the walls of the university, about attending classes by students, and talks about student performance. Explanatory work is carried out on the organization and implementation of independent and individual work.

Monthly, and sometimes twice a month, curator hours are held, the subject of curator hours concerns not only the life of the University, but also various decisions made in the country as a whole. Particular attention is paid to a healthy lifestyle. The passage of a medical examination, in particular the passage of fluorography, is controlled by the curator of the group.

Students take an active part in the life of the department and the institute. They participate in inter-institutional events (sports olympiads, conferences), take part in concerts dedicated to holidays and events of the entire university.

Students also participate in international competitions, such as the Russian Open Youth Water Competition-2023, held by the Environmental Projects Consulting Institute. The Environmental Projects Consulting Institute implements environmental projects and programs in order to expand intersectoral, interregional and international cooperation to achieve sustainable development.

The result of the entire educational process at the institute (education is carried out in any kind of activity and interaction of students) is the upbringing of a highly professional, highly moral, socially active personality (ideally). This general personality characteristic is specified in the following qualities of a student graduating from an institute:
- possesses civic maturity, high morality;
- understands the essence and social significance of his profession;
- constantly working on enriching their own spiritual values, has an interest in self-improvement and development of their abilities;
- has the conviction that labor activity is an integral part of a person's life, is ready for conscientious activity in the chosen profession;
- realizes health as a value, owns the knowledge and skills to protect their own health and physical self-improvement.