Toibaeva Nurzada Rahatovna

Toibaeva Nurzada Rahatovna
deputy Director of Academic Affairs

2007-2012 – I.Razzakov KSTU, qualification "Economist-Manager" in the specialty "Economics and management at the enterprise (by industry)".
2014-2016 – I.Razzakov KSTU, Master's degree in Management
Since 2019 - I.Razzakov KSTU, postgraduate degree in 08.00.10 "Finance and Credit" 
Work activity:
2011-2013 – Methodologist of the Department of "Economic Theory" of
the IIB 2013-2015 – trainee teacher of the Department of "Economic Theory" of the IIB
2015-2016 – senior lecturer of the Department of "Economic Theory" of the IIB
2016-2018 – Senior Lecturer at the Department of Economics and Finance of the IEF
2018-2019 – Senior Lecturer at the Department of Industrial Economics of the IEF
2019 and up to the present senior lecturer of the Department "Economic Security and Marketing" 
Research work:
Dissertation work on the topic : "Vocational education as a factor in the development of labor activity in the Kyrgyz Republic"
1. Letter of thanks (Admissions Committee)
2. Thank you letter (For Science Day)
3. "The best young scientist of the CIS - 2022" (Republic of Kazakhstan)
4. "Certificate of Honor of I.Razzakov KSTU" 2023

Scientific articles have been published: 
1. Strategy for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Kyrgyz Republic in the conditions of the EAEU. Izvestiya KSTU named after I. Razzakov. No. 4 (40). – Bishkek - 2016. –pp.192-196.
2. Organization of the activities of Kyrgyz construction companies based on the use of foreign experience (on the example of Atar-Energy LLC) Izvestiya KSTU named after I. Razzakov. No. 4 (40). – Bishkek - 2016. – pp.196-200.
3. Foreign economic trade of the food industry in the conditions of the EAEU. Economics Quarterly Journal No. 2(27), Bishkek 2016.- pp.95-99 
4. Organization of the activities of Kyrgyz construction companies based on the use of foreign experience (on the example of Atar-Energy LLC) Economics Quarterly Journal No.3-4 (30), Bishkek 2017.- pp.54-59
5. Mamlekettik mekemelerde akcha karazhattaryn accountant esepte zhurguzuu Izvestiya KSTU named after I. Razzakov. No.4 (51). – Bishkek - 2019. –pp.270-277.
6. Accountant esepti zhurguzudo chet eldik tazhryybalardyn koldonulushu Izvestiya KSTU named after I. Razzakov. No. 4 (52). – Bishkek - 2019. –pp.206-212.
7. Improvement of the system of state financial budget control Izvestiya KSTU named after I. Razzakov. No. 1 (53). – Bishkek - 2020. –pp.105-112.
8. Vocational education as a factor in the development of labor activity of the Kyrgyz Republic. 63rd NTSC of I.Razzakov KSTU 2021 Bishkek 
9. The role of financial capital in the development of the agricultural sector of the Kyrgyz Republic. 63rd NTSC of I.Razzakov KSTU 2021 Bishkek 
10. Foreign experience of financing in the field of education ASUPKR 2021 Bishkek.
11. Financial institutions and their role in ensuring the economic security of the Kyrgyz Republic. KRSU 2021. Bishkek
Annually passes advanced training in the disciplines taught
He is the head of the PLO in the direction of “Economic security”
Subjects taught:
1. Microeconomics
2. Macroeconomics
3. Economy
4. Merchandising and exhibition business
5. Entrepreneurship and business
6. Basics of advertising activity
Scientometric data:
Google Scholar: Нурзада Тойбаева Рахатовна
ResearcherID Web of Science: toibaevanauzadarahatovna
Research Gate: XHC-1628-2023

Кабинет: 2/505


Стаж работы: 12 years