Rifert Kristina Petrovna

Rifert Kristina Petrovna
Deputy Director for Educational Work

Member of the "Council of Young Scientists and Specialists"
2004-2009 – I. Razzakov KSTU, qualification "Engineer"
in the specialty "Technology of meat and meat products".
2009-2012 - I. Razzakov KSTU, IIB Business School, qualification "Manager" in the specialty "Organization Management".
Cell phone:+996(550) 01-34-29
e-mail: rifert.k@mail.ru
Work experience: 11 years
Labor activity:
2009-2010 – assistant technologist in the sausage shop "Steinbräu"
2011-2012. – training master of the department "Management in Transport" FTiM KSTU named after I. Razzakov.
2012-2013 – Lecturer of the Department of "Management in Transport" of the I. Razzakov KSTU FTIM.
2013 - 2018 – Lecturer of the Department of "Management" of I. Razzakov KSTU IEF.
2018-present Senior lecturer of the Department of "Management" of I. Razzakov KSTU IEF.
2017-2018 member of the "Council of Young Scientists and Specialists".
2019. Deputy Chairman of the "Council of Young Scientists and Specialists".
Research work:
Graduated from graduate school. Dissertation topic: "Improving university management based on a rating system". Published articles, method. instructions, studies. the manual and received 2 patents KR.
2006 - Medal with certificate at the international festival "Yrdaily Kyrgyz yrlaryn" State Commission on the Kyrgyz language under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic. Bishkek.
2010-Medal with certificate at the international festival "Yrdaily Kyrgyz yrlaryn" State Commission on the Kyrgyz language under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic. Bishkek.
2013 - Gratitude with entry in the work book of the FTiM KSTU named after I. Razzakov.
2016 - Diploma from the IEF for good work and active participation in the life of the faculty.
2018 - Certificate of Honor of I. Razzakov KSTU.
2019 - I degree diploma at the 61st International Network Scientific and Technical Conference of Young Scientists, Postgraduates, Undergraduates and Students. Bishkek.
2019 - Certificate of I. Razzakov KSTU for active participation in the activities of the Faculty of Technical University. 19g.
2019 - Gratitude to the I. Razzakov KSTU with entry in the work book.
2019 - Letter of thanks from the Rector of KSTU named after I. Razzakov for his help in holding the 65th anniversary of KSTU I. Razzakov.
2020 - Letter of thanks from the Vice-Rector for Science of I. Razzakov KSTU for active participation in the scientific life of the university, conscientious work, achieved results in work, contribution made to the development of the university.
2020 - Honorary diploma of Samara State Technical University "For active participation in international joint forums and conferences.
2021 - Certificate Rating of teaching staff of I. Razzakov KSTU for 2019-2020 academic year for the 3rd place among senior teachers of I. Razzakov KSTU
2021 - Letter of thanks from the International Center for Sport, Education and Science "International Center for Sport, Education and Science "GENIUS" " For participating in the project "The best young scientist" among the youth of the CIS and for the ability to show their abilities and talent.(2021)
2021 - Badge "The best young scientist of the CIS" for contribution to the development of science (Certificate No. 003 4.05.2021)
2021 - Excellent student of the Trade Union of Education and Science. Medal and certificate No. 2999 dated No. 11/1, 09/15/2021 (Central Committee of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of the Kyrgyz Republic)
2022 - Gratitude – For a great contribution to the formation and education of future professionals and high organizational skills is expressed to the team leader in the II Republican Interuniversity Student Olympiad in Management on 03/25/2022 (Rector of KGUST, A.A. Abdykalykov).

Professional development:

1. "Psychology and pedagogy of higher school" I. Razzakov KSTU IDOiPK Certificate No. 459. 05.04.2013
2. "Logistics" Seminar organized by ADB (Asian Development Bank) Certificate 2013.
3. "The practice of teaching Marketing" Interuniversity practical seminar (training) for teachers 20-21 01.2014 at MOiN KR, BSU named after K. Karasaev. Certificate.
4. "Oratorical art" of I. Razzakov KSTU IDOiPK Certificate No. 681. 14.04.-22.05.2014g. 36 h
. 5. "Pedagogy and psychology of higher school" (CC) KGMIPiPK Certificate №0005145. 15. 06.-30.06. 2016 G. 78h.
6. Certificate for it.yaz. Level A2* 31.05.-02.06.2016
7. "Innovative technologies in training" (KC) KGMIPiPK Certificate No. 0010201 09.01.-21.01. 2017. 72h.
8. Tastyktama "Kyrgyz tili uyronu" I. Razakov atyndagi KMTU 03.-04.2017zh. 144saat.
9. Certificate of participation in the International scientific conference "Innovative technologies-the basis of engineering creativity" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the formation of the branch. Academician H.A. Rakhmatulina G.Tokmok, April 14, 2017.
10. Certificate of participation in the International interuniversity scientific and methodological seminar "Eastern vector of cooperation between universities of Russia and Kyrgyzstan in science and education". April 17, 2017
11. "Higher School of Pedagogy and Psychology" (CC) KGMIPiPK Certificate No. 0004492 28.01.-09.02. 2019. 78h.
12. "Strategic management: ways and means of creating competitive advantages by the company" p. 4.03.-28.03.201972h. The Association of the OUL "Academy of Entrepreneurship".
13. Certificate. Seminar "Change management at small and medium-sized enterprises in the context of international integration processes in the context of international standards of the ISO 9001-2015 series". 2.04.2019 Mykolaiv National University named after V.A. Sukhomlinsky.
14. Certificate of participation in the "X All-Russian Personnel Forum named after A. Y. Kibanov" "Innovative personnel management". Samara. Samara State Technical University. 25-27.04.2019 15. "Accounting in state bodies" Certificate No. 115 40h. 27.05.-31.05.2019. I. Razzakov KSTU Department of Science and PC.
16. Certificate of NAAR (Independent Agency of Accreditation and Rating) on participation in the III Central Asian International Forum on Quality Assurance of Education 4-5.10.2019
17. "Management in education" Certificate No. 167 72h. 8.07.-22.07.2020. I. Razzakov KSTU, Department of Science and PC.
18. English language course BEGINNER LEVEL -144 hours 28.06.2021. I. Razzakov KSTU, Department of Science and PC.
19. "Information technologies in the educational process" register. number -473/2021 24h. 21.06-30.06.2021 Baltic State Technical University D. F. Ustinov VOENMEH University.
20. "Personnel management" register. number -527/2021 40h. 21.06-30.06.2021 Baltic State Technical University D. F. Ustinov VOENMEH University.
21. The fourth Sunday winter demographic school -10 a.h. 5.02.2022 Moscow State University . Lomonosov University Higher School of Modern Social Sciences.
1. "Problems of quality assurance of higher education in the Kyrgyz Republic". XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference of students and young scientists "Modern technology and technology". 2012. Tomsk
2. "Development of higher education in the Kyrgyz Republic in the light of the Bologna process". (article) www.keu.edu.kg/vestnik .VestnikKEUim.M.R.Ryskulbekova 4(34)2015.Bishkek, 2015. pp.138-142.
3. Methodology for determining the rating of universities (patent). State Service of Intellectual Property and Innovation under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic. Patent No. 2992-Bishkek, 2016. Torobekov B.T.
4. Software for determining the rating of universities (patent). The State Service of Intellectual Property and Innovation under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic. Patent No. 437-Bishkek, 2016. Torobekov B.T. et al.
5. "Information technologies in determining the ranking of universities" (article).
International Scientific and Practical conference "Prospects of integration of SCO and APR universities in science and education". Khabarovsk, Bishkek 2017. pp.153-155. Torobekov B.T.
6. "On improving the rating system in higher education" (article).http://old.kstu.kg/wpcontent/uploads/2019/06/1%D1%87%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%80%D1%8D%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%82%D1%80.pdf Materials of the 61st International Network Scientific and Technical Conference. young scientists, postgraduates, undergraduates and students “Scientific and innovative technologies ideas, research and development" dedicated to the 65th anniversary of I. Razzakov KSTU. IC "Teknik", Bishkek, 2019. pp.257-261.
7. "Automation of the university rating system" (article).
X All-Russian Personnel Forum named after A. Ya. Kibanov ""Innovative personnel management". Samara. Samara State Technical University.Pp. 72-78.2019
. 8. "Methodological foundations for assessing the quality of higher education". Scientific and informational journal. SCIENCE AND INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES.No.2/2020(15).From.201-209.2020. non-zero impact factor. Torobekov B.T., Asimova A.
9. "The role of conflicts in modern organizations and the causes of their occurrence." MATERIALS OF the 63rd International Network Scientific and Technical Conference of Young scientists, postgraduates, undergraduates and students "Science, technology and engineering education in the era of digitalization and globalization". Part II.P.307-311. 2021. Umaralieva Alima gr. Men(b)-1-19.
10."The effectiveness of the authoritarian management style". Burenko A. gr. Men(b)-1-21 2021g. 2022g.
11. "Research and development of a model of the national institutional rating system of universities". International Scientific and Practical conference, February 9-11, 2022. "Innovative technologies in the agro-industrial complex in the context of digital transformation". Torobekov B.T., Koshoeva B.B., Ramatov K.S.
12. "Improving the model of the institutional rating system of universities". International Scientific Forum with the participation of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic S. N. Zhaparov. "Modern science and environmental challenges in the era of globalization and digital transformation" April 2022.

1. Certificate No. 2990 "Methodology for determining the rating of universities". KR State Patent Service. 20.10.2016
2. Certificate No. 437 "Software for determining the rating of universities". KR State Patent Service. 30.11.2016

Rifert K.P. _____________Signature ________________ date

Телефон: 0312-56-16-20

Кабинет: 2/505

e-mail: rifert.k@mail.ru

Гр.работы: 9:00-18:00

Стаж работы: 12