[Translate to English:] Батырбекова Жылдыз Касымбековна

Batyrbekova Zhyldyz Kasymbekovna
Ph.D., Associate Professor, EP Logistics

Work experience From 2024 to the present, Moscow School of Higher School of Economics, KSTU named after 
I. Razzakov, associate professor of EP Logistics 2023 -2024. Institute of Management and Business of KNU 
named after Zh. Balasagyn, associate professor of EP Management 2016 – 2022.  Adam University, Associate 
Professor of the Economics program 2012-2016. Institute of Management and Business of KNU named after Zh. 
Balasagyn, acting associate professor 1998-2018 Institute of Economics NAS KR, researcher
Advanced training Refresher course 



“Improving pedagogical skills” Bishkek, March 2-29, 2021. (volume 72 hours) “The problem of self-citation 
in scientific works: the capabilities of the Anti-Plagiarism system” 09/15/2022 Certificate No. 20220915/66 
“Blended Learning Technology” July 4-September 1



2022 84 hours, Certificate No. 01415. Online educational platform SKLAD
Scientific activity More than 25 scientific articles and one monograph have been published. 
Profiles in scientometric databases: 1. Google Scholar: Zhyldyz Batyrbekova 2. Researcher ID Web of 
Science: 3. ORCID: 0000-0001-7623-3554 4. RSCI: 5. ResearcherID:



Public positions:   Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the Moscow Higher School of Economics





Кабинет: 2/503

e-mail: zhyldyz.batyrbekova@mail.ru