Faculty History

In the 50s of the last century, in connection with the intensive development of hydropower resources, the implementation of the program for the construction of power plants and high-voltage power lines, the need for electrification of production and all agricultural sectors, as well as training of personnel in the energy sector, which was a requirement of the time, matured in the republic.

In 1953, on the basis of the Kyrgyz State Pedagogical Institute named after. M.V. Frunze (the current Kyrgyz National University), a technical faculty was created. A department for training specialists in the energy field was opened at the faculty, and 25 students were admitted to the specialty "Electrification of Industrial Enterprises".

On the basis of Decree No. 532 of the Council of Ministers of the Kirghiz SSR, the Kyrgyz State Polytechnic Institute was organized. The newly minted Kyrgyz State Polytechnic Institute needed to organize the opening of mining, construction, energy, chemical and technological faculties and, on October 1, 1954, admit students in the amount of two hundred people. General education and technical departments were opened at the institute with the strengthening of their material and technical base.

In 1954, the departments of "Philosophy and Social Sciences" and "Physics" were created. In the first, 1954-55 academic year, 68 students studied in the specialty "Energy". The first years the faculty was called construction and energy, only in 1957 it was divided into two independent ones - construction and energy. In 1957, the Energy Faculty was founded, which has kept its face, traditions and experience for more than half a century.

Undoubtedly, when organizing educational and scientific work at the new faculty, it is necessary to note the invaluable contribution of the Deputy Director of the FPI for Academic Affairs, Ph.D., Associate Professor Vasily Andreevich Andreev.

During the first years, engineer Yevgeny Vasilyevich Shonin was in charge of the Energy Department. The opening of the departments "Electrification of industrial enterprises" and "Electrical engineering" in 1955, "Heat engineering and hydraulics" in 1956, and "Electrical stations, networks and systems" in 1957 became a good prerequisite for training local personnel for the country's energy system.

The first graduation of electrical engineers took place in 1958. The first graduates made an invaluable contribution to the energy system of Kyrgyzstan, in particular, during the construction of the Alamedinskaya HPP, the Ysykata HPP, the Uchkurgan HPP, 110-35 kV overhead lines Andijan-Kara-Suu-Osh and the Chui region, the Bishkek Thermal Power Plant, etc.

To automate and adjust technological processes in power stations, high-voltage power lines and in production, in 1960 the Department of Automation and Telemechanics was opened at the faculty, and in 1965 - Electrical Machines and Apparatus.

Academician Yu.S. Nebolyubov made an invaluable contribution to the above departments. and associate professor Gusev B.A. in the preparation of scientific personnel, the training of teaching staff and the opening of a laboratory base. In 1967, the department "Heat Engineering and Hydraulics" was divided into two independent departments: "Heat Engineering" and "Hydraulics".

In 1967, the department "Electrification of industrial enterprises" was again transformed into the department "Electric drive and automation of production devices". In connection with the development of agricultural and livestock farms, in 1970 the department "Power supply of urban and rural networks" was opened, and the leadership of the department was entrusted to candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Yurikov V.A. To provide the country with highly qualified personnel,in 1980, the Faculty of Power Engineering had a faculty of 127 people, in 11 departments: "Power Plants, Networks and Systems", "Power Supply of Urban and Rural Networks", "Electric Drive and Automation of Industrial Devices", "Heat Engineering" , "Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering", "Labor protection", "Technical physics", "Electrical machines and apparatus", "Automated control systems and computer technology", "Industrial electronics".

In connection with the development of information media at telecommunications production facilities, on radio, television, in computer-electronic and radio engineering systems, the institute faced the task of providing this industry with relevant specialists, in connection with this, it was decided in 1984 to open the faculty of "Automation of production management ".


The following departments were transferred from the Faculty of Power Engineering to the new faculty: "Automation and Telemechanics", "Automated Control Systems and Computer Engineering", "Production Electronics", "Electric Drive and Automation of Industrial Devices" and "Technical Physics".


In connection with the change in the structure, the Faculty of Automation of Production Management was reorganized, which was part of the Faculty of Energy, and in 1999 the Faculty of Information Technology (formerly Automation of Production Management) was again separated from the Faculty of Energy.


In 2001, in accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of KTU dated October 26, 2001, the Department of Power Engineering was divided into 3 departments: the Department of Power Engineering, the Department of Power Supply, the Department of Renewable Energy Sources.

In 1956-1957. The Faculty of Construction and Energy was headed by N.P. Klimenko.



Deans of the Faculty of Energy and the period of their work:

1957-1959 - E.V. Shonin;

1959-1964 - K.E. Golubkov;

1964-1971 - M.G. Polyakov;

1971-1974 - S.N. Nazarov;

1974-1975 - A.A. Shaimergenov;

1975-1977 - K.R. Rakhimov;

1977-1984 - V.A. Yurikov;

1984-1986 - B.T. Ukuev;

1986-1987 - A.S. Jamanbaev;

1987-1992 - A.N. Kozlov;

1992-1996, 1999-2006 and 2008-2013 - M.A. Suerkulov;

1996-1999 - S.S. Kadyrkulov;

2006-2008 - J.A. Apyshev;

2013-2015 - J.T. Galbaev;

2015-2018 - C.A. Kadyrov;

2018 - present time - Zh. T. Galbaev