Shtybaeva Olga Romanovna
Head of the General Education Department of SPO (College) KSTU named after I. Razzakov, N. Isanov campus
1999-2002 - Kyrgyz Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after academician U.A.Asanaliev, postgraduate study.
Scientific work: "Integrated development of complex structural ore deposits, based on attracting foreign investment in the form of leasing"
1994-1999 Kyrgyz Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after Academician U.A.Asanaliev, Faculty of Geology and Exploration, Specialty: Enterprise Economics (by industry),
Specialization: Economics of the mining industry
(Diploma with honors)
Work experience:
September 2024 according to present time - Head of the General Education Department of SPO (College) KSTU named after I.Razzakov, N. Isanov campus;
September 2022 – September 2024 KSTU im. I.Razzakova, HSEiB department "E&UP" Senior Lecturer;
January 2022 – September 2022 - KSGU im. acad. U.Asanalieva Department of "E&EP" Senior Lecturer;
2021-2022 - Mining and Technological College at KSGU. academician U. Asanaliev. Deputy Director for Academic Affairs;
2017- January 2022 - KSGU department "Environmental Protection and Environmental Protection" Senior Lecturer;
2009-2017 - IGDiGT department "EGP" senior lecturer;
2002-2009 - KG-MI Department of Management of Mining Production "Senior Lecturer;
September 2003-2013 - ISRiP, Senior Lecturer, Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit;
September 2001 - accepted as a senior lecturer of the department "EUP";
September 1999 - Kyrgyz Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after Academician U.A.Asanaliev, Faculty of Geology and Exploration, Department "EUP", lecturer.
Research work:
Has more than 30 scientific publications, participates in international, national, interuniversity scientific and practical conferences. Makes presentations at national and international scientific conferences, round tables and seminars.
Profiles in scient metric databases:
2. www.researcherid.com
5. orcid.org