Orozobekova Aizada

Orozobekova Aizada Chynarbekovna
Senior Lecturer
Education:        Higher education, KSUCTA, 2009
Qualification:  software engineer, spec.: "Software of computer technology and automated systems" graduated from the master's degree in the direction of "Technosphere safety", program - "Industrial ecology and rational use of natural resources", 2011.
She is a postgraduate student of the TV Department with a degree in "Heat supply, ventilation and air conditioning"
Work experience:    General labor – 11, Pedagogical - 11, in KSUCTA – 11
The direction of scientific activity: Application of solar radiation to optimize the thermal  regime  buildings
Number of scientific papers: 2 scientific articles, 5 methodological Instructions

ORCID - 0009-0008-6885-3663

Web of Science ResearcherID is: HOC-3887-2023

РИНЦ Author ID - SPIN-код: 8123-3465

Google scholar - Orozobekova А.Ch.https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=ru&authuser=1&user=6nUeL7gAAAAJ 

Professional development:

1. «Workshop on accreditation of engineering programmes»
2. Train the Trainers, MAPREE, Thermal building simulation and solar thermal energy, Austria, Innsbruck, October 15-22, 2014
3. Conducting a self-assessment of the university and writing a self-assessment report  Tempus project QUEECA, 2014
4. EdNet Agency, January 2018 Bishkek 2018 "Conducting a self-assessment of a university and writing a self-assessment report" (Bishkek, Ednet LLC),
5.2019 correspondence courses for advanced training in the framework of the program "New opportunities for everyone" (MGSU),
6. 2020  the course of study under the program "Accreditation of educational programs. Conducting a self-assessment"
Contact details: work phone 54-56-84;