The HGSV Department has accumulated rich educational, scientific, research and innovative experience, as well as experience in international cooperation. Practice and scientifically oriented programs of education are implemented at all three cycles of higher education.
The Department has a high national and international authority. It was earned through its successful activities, in particular, as a national coordinator and main executor of international projects. The Department initiated and implemented a consistent chain of 3 TEMPUS projects and 2 Erasmus Mundus EU projects. The department is also the executor of two other TEMPUS projects, a number of international educational and investment projects, in particular the TACIS projects of the EU, the World Bank, the Asian Bank, the European Bank for Development and Reconstruction, etc. The department has established fruitful cooperation with leading universities in Sweden, Austria, Estonia, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, etc. The department has many friends and colleagues in these countries who cooperate with us.
Our project partners Jeffrey Johnson and Michael Lorsbach (Germany), Gerhard Gron (Denmark), Olga Kordas and Ronald Wennersten (Sweden) were awarded the title of Honorary Professor of KSUCTA. They and our other partners have given more than 25 guest lectures for teachers, postgraduate students, PhD students, master's and bachelor’s students. Within the framework of academic mobility and project seminars, Boronbaev E.K., Abdyldaeva A.M., Mukhanova K.K., Orozobekova A.Ch., Zhyrgalbaeva N.M. and Akhmetov M.D., as well as more than 10 students, have accumulated foreign experience. Master's students from universities in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Sweden have completed semester-long training at the department.
Professor Jeremy Tasch worked as volunteers at the department for 6 months and teacher Andrew Heyd from the USA for 8 months.
The department has developed the master's program "Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Buildings" (education direction "Construction") under the European Union (EU) project TEMPUS-530793 jointly with Lund University (Lund, Sweden), the University of Innsbruck (Innsbruck, Austria) and Tallinn University of Technology (Tallinn, Estonia), the master's program "Industrial Ecology and Rational Use of Natural Resources" (education direction "Technosphere Safety") under the EU project TEMPUS-26170 jointly with the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden) and Tallinn University of Technology (Tallinn, Estonia) and is being implemented jointly with the department of "Technosphere Safety" and the master's program "Heat and Gas Supply of Populated Areas and Enterprises" (education direction "Construction") under an agreement with Gazprom-Kyrgyzstan LLC. It is harmonized with a similar program at a number of leading Russian universities in order to implement academic mobility for graduate students and teachers.