[Translate to English:] Ороков Азизбек Бакыевич

Orokov Azizbek Bakyevich
Ph.D. and about. assistant professor


1993-1995 Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Top Manager.

Academic degree: Candidate of Economic Sciences (Thesis on the topic: "Investment strategy of the mining industry of Kyrgyzstan")

Protection in Moscow Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. 1996

1979-1985 Frunze Polytechnic Institute

Faculty of Mining and Geology

Specialty: Technology and complex mechanization of underground mining of mineral deposits, mining engineer.

Labor activity:

2009 to the present Bishkek LLC "Vzryvprom Kompanii" - General Director.

2005-2009 Bishkek Inter-Resource LLC - General Director.

2002-2005 - Koskor Ata, Jalabad region of OJSC "Kyrgyzneftegaz" - Chairman of the Board.

2000-2002 - Koskor Ata, Jalabad region JSC "Kyrgyzneftegaz" - Deputy. Chairman of the Board.

1999-2000 Bishkek, JSC "Kyrgyzneftegaz" - offset manager.

1998-1999 - years. Bishkek, JSC "Bishkekdanazyk" - supply manager.

1995-1998 - Bishkek, State Concern "Kyrgyzaltyn" - leading mining engineer.

1993-1995 - S. Kazarman, "Makmalzoloto" - chief engineer of the plant.

1992-1993 - s.Kazarman, "Makmalzoloto", quarry "Makmal" - chief engineer, head of the quarry.

1989-1992 With. Kazarman, Jalabad region, Toguz-Toro RK LSCM of Kyrgyzstan - head of the organizational department, 2nd secretary, 1st secretary.

1987-1989 - p. Kazarman, Naryn region, Makmal gold mining plant, "Makmal" quarry - mining foreman, head of the mining section.

1985-1987 - p. Naiman, Osh region. Khaidarkan mercury plant, Uluu-Too mining master.

2021 to present Ph.D. and about. Associate Professor of the Department "Open-pit Mining and Blasting"





ORCID  0009-0000-5398-0426


Scopus    Азизбек Ороков


РИНЦ  https://elibrary.ru/author_info.asp?isold=1

Scholar.google   Азизбек Ороков



РИНЦ  https://elibrary.ru/author_info.asp?isold=1

Scholar.google   Азизбек Ороков

Телефон: 0312610779

Кабинет: 3 campus 3 floor 12 building 27 office

e-mail: azizbek.orokov@kstu.kg

Гр.работы: from 8:00 to 13:30

Стаж работы: 2 years