Mambetova Burul Jumashovna

Mambetova Burul Zhumashevna

1976-1981 Higher Przhevalsky State Pedagogical Institute. Specialty: Artist - teacher


From 2001 to the present New technology of silk-felt products. Clothing, accessories, interior products.


1981-1998 Tyupsky district, S.Toktoyan, A.Koenkozov secondary school teacher of labor, drawing and drawing

1987-1989. Karakol Regional Center for Aesthetic Education Head of the circle"Decorative and applied arts".

1998-2001 Tyupsky district, Tyup village, methodist Center for Children and Youth Creativity.

2001-2002 Tyupsky district, Tyup village, secondary school named after S.Karymshakov, trad teacher.

2000-2004 Member of NGO "Tyup's wives"

twothousandnine The CCI is ringing for the coming time

twothousandten Senior lecturer of KSTU named after I.Razzakov

2013 by nasto Associate professor of the Department of KhPTI of I.Razzakov KSTU;

Article: Article 3

Methodical. Decrees: 1 book in cooperation.


twothousand Seminar on medicinal injuries, natural dyeing.

twothousandoneSeminar on natural dyeing and on the technique of "hollow shape" felt.

twothousandoneSeminar on marketing and management of ASTEO organizations.

2001 Workshop on art design and decoration organized by ASTEO.

2002 Seminar on marketing and management of the organization

2002 Seminar on improving the quality of felt products

August 2002 Seminar on the new design of felt scuffs.

October 2002 Workshop on willow. .


1993 Certificate of Honor for labor capacity.

1994 Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Economy.

1995. Excellent student of education.

2012 Diploma of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic,

twothousandfifteen Certificate of Honor kg


2000-2002. Cholpon-Ata, the alignment, timed to the year of tourism

February-May 2002 Plots in the exhibition and sale at the Fra Consulate!

November 2002 The SUMMIT exhibition.

December 2002 Dressage close the year of the mountain.

December-November 2005 The first and the third creative, personal production; Alma-Ata, Bishkek.

2000 - Table Dressage Fair in Central Asia.

2001-2004 Artist-designer. Felt master of the general Association "Santash Hands" (Organized with the help of the Swiss Project Year).

2003-2004 Head of the Public Foundation "zakvasku", ce/ ram.

2004-2008 Head of the Public Fund "Magicians; "felt", Besh-Kungey village, Alamedinsky district

2008-according to the desktop manual of the LLC "Magic felt", hay B Kungei, Alamedinsky district


2000 on tincture Seminar on medicinal herbs of Tyupsky district,

2002 Tyupsky district. Natural coating and new hollow-shaped felt technology. CAMP.

twothousandone Bishkek. Marketing and Management Seminar Organized by ACETO.

twothousandone Workshop on art design Bishkek ASSET

twothousandtwo Seminar on Marketing and Management Bishkek SAMR

twothousandtwo San-Stone. Workshop on improving the quality of felt work. .

twothousandtwo Willow workshop. Sugar, S.Tyuz

twothousandtwo S. Tyup technique of hollow-shaped felt products

twothousandtwo San-Stone. The technique of hollow-shaped felt products.

twothousandtwo San-Stone. Talas district

twothousandtwo Almaty city. Hollow shape technique.

2003-2006 Republic of Kazakhstan

2002-2006, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan. The technique is hollow . forms.

2005-2006 S.Baran. Hollow shape technique.

November 2007, the village of Kulche, Alai district. The technique of hollow-shaped felt products.

2007-at the insistent time of the trainer on the new hollow-shaped technology of felt products, Vishkek, the Resource Center of Artisans in Central Asia.

2009-2011 Workshop on the ADB project "the construction of damage, life in rural married through the development of the handicraft sector in Kyrgyzstan.

Workshop of handicraft business on new technologies of training cooperatives (30 cooperatives).KRSU-KGUSTA, KTU named after I.Razzakov


- Certificate in Marketing training.

- Certificate for the new design of the felt product.

- Diploma "Golden Delight" In Central Asia.

- Certificate of a felt and silk coach in Central Asia.

- A trainer's certificate on the use of methodology in training.

- Diplomas on the International festivals "Oimo-2006", "Oimo-2007",

- Certificate for the site, for the quality of Unesco 2006-2007

Unesco Quality Mark Certificate 2007-2008

- Diploma of the 1st degree and Gold medal in fashion industries 2008.

- Diploma 1st place, recent fashion Spring-2008.

- Diploma with 11 degrees. Fashion Assembly, Moscow, 2008.

- Diploma of Magic style, Paris, 2009.

- Diploma of the Grand Prix, Fashion week Veska-2009, Kyrgyzstan.

- Diploma "Theatrical Rais"2009, Kazakhstan, Pavlodar

- Diploma. Youth Festival 2009, Turkey, Ankara, Istanbul.

- Diploma in the framework of the SCO countries, 2009,.g.Yekaterinburg Rag,-

- Diploma "Multinational traditions of the Urals", June 201, Yekaterinburg. ‘

- Diploma of "Toguz Kairyk", TV contest 2010.august

- Diploma of the Minister of Culture.

- Diplomas from Italy, France, Germany.

- Diploma of the International Festival "Oimo-20 g0";

- Certificate of Honor from the Minister of Economy for the contribution and development of Tourism.

- Diploma 1 degree 1st Republican exhibition of the competition "Innovation 2010"

- Bread "Diploma" KR. Chapter 1 Republican exhibition "Competition"Innovation-2010"

- Diploma for ! place in an international project

- "Face of the Future 2010 " France, Paris, March 2010

- "Face of the Future 2011 " France, Paris-March 2011

- Certificate" Zhibek Zholu " Kazakhstan 4-5 May 2011

- Diploma "theatrical fashions of Raisa" May 2011

- Registration Of Certificates. May 2012

- Certification 2012

- Certificate "Art Gallery", "Sidi" Scotland 20.08.201 1

-Tash-Moynok aiyl okmotu Diploma "Komkor ene" 2012

- Diploma-2012 Turkmenistan

- Certificate of Turksoy Avaza-2012 Turkmenistan

- Diploma of the 1st stepen Etnomir 2012 in the nomination "Best designer"

- Certificate of Ethno-World Kaluga-Moscow 2012;

- Diploma of the studio "Kats" designer 201 g. 2'g. Exhibition and Fair of Folk Masters and Artists in Central Asia VVC Moscow

- Diploma of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, - Thematic exhibition "Cultural pleasure-201" October 16, 2012

- Letter of Thanks Eco Bag Festival October 2012

- Certificate of well-being for abundant cooperation with the State Patent and Technical Library of the Kyrgyz Republic. 22.1 g. 1.2013

- Diploma for active participation in the international exhibition - fair "Autumn - 2013", successful presentation and contribution to the development of light advertising in Bishkek, 2013.

- Letter of thanks for the master class on the topic "Knitting methods of ancient Turkic peoples" December 2013.

- A letter of thanks for the active preparation for the holiday "Nooruz" of the Turkish people. According to the TURKSOY project. September 2014.

- Diplomat - degree to the winner of the ethno-cultural program of the Year of strengthening the Statehood of the Kyrgyz Republic "23 - fegra:". 2014 Bishkek.

- Certificate', for a plot in the project". Wives are the keeper of traditions" with the support of embassies in the Kyrgyz Republic. March 19-April 2, 2014 Bishkek.

- Diploma of the degree for the educational and technical development of the Faculty of Technology in the MO du du N o x n e x n e O Y O Y O Y and conferences of young academic, graduate and undergraduate students <. INNOVATION VECTOR FOR YOUTH " dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I.Razzakov.

Thank you letter "Eco-bag 2015"

Letter of thanks Department of Culture Ak-Talinsky district, Naryn region

Letter of thanks For the exhibitions "Master and pupil 2015 " full representative in Issyk-Kul region

Diploma for contribution to the development of craft and artistic creativity " Kyrgyzstan 2015"

Certificate for participation in the exhibition of intellectual, innovative developments 2014

Certificate In honor of the holidays of the Day of Artisans of Kyrgyzstan

Letter of thanks for the development and dissemination of handicrafts of Kyrgyzstan, TMJ Public Foundation

Thank you Letter " Istanbul Guanjo World Culture 2013" Turkey

Thank you letter "Istanbul Guanjo World Aya Cult 2013" Korea

Letter of thanks from the Osh Regional Museum named after T. Sadykov, for the opening of the exhibitions "master and pupil-2015"

Certificate to the bottom of the independence of the Republic of Tajikistan 2015.

Letter of thanks from K. Tynystanov Issyk-Kul State University

Presentation "Master student " 2015 Letter of thanks

Certificate of Honor for the Day of Cultural Workers from, Alamedinsky district 2015

Diploma of International Specialized dressage " GIFTS. SPRING 2015"

Certificate of honor for a lot of good work. KSTU named after. And Razzakov

Certificate of the Congress of Women of the Kyrgyz Republic 2015, Republican production under the motto "Mother is the living soul of the World"

Certificate of Honor of Jalal-Abad region, Toktogul district for conducting trainings on handicrafts.2015

Diplomat degree Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Kyrgyz Republic 2014

Certificate of the Spring exhibition - fair "Melody of the pattern of Spring 2016"

Certificate Bishkek Business Club and Cesvi Tajikistan

Certificate of Honor in honor of the International Women's Day on March 8, Leninsky District and Bishkek City Hall 2015.

Gold medal about dating, " For Leadership " Congress Zhenin 2015.

Certificate of Honor for active social capacity, for achieving high professional success.2014

Diploma of 1 degree. Innovation is a vector for young people. International Scientific and Technical Conference of Young Academic Aspirants and Students. Kurmanbaeva M. Head Mambetova B. Creative group ” young dream " 2015.

Certificate of the Republican contest "Crafts of Kyrgyzstan: traditions and innovations", Creative group "young dreams". 2015