Omurov Zhyrgal Makeshovich

Omurov Zhyrgal Makeshovich
Director of GSOM

Director of GSOM, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Education: Higher, Bishkek Polytechnic Institute, 1992

Qualification: Organization of management in road transport. Specialty: Mechanical engineer.

Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences 2013, specialty 05.22.10 - "Operation of road transport"

Work experience: General labor - 31, scientific and pedagogical -23, in KSTU - 25 years.

Government awards: Excellence in Education-2012, Excellence in the Ministry of Energy and Industry in 2017. Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science. 2019

Work in councils: Member of the Academic Council of KSTU, Chairman of the Academic Council of GSOM.

Main scientific and scientific-methodical works

He has 38 publications, 21 of them are scientific and 17 are educational and methodological.