Academic work

All disciplines assigned to the department are provided with work programs. The work programs indicate the content and distribution of hours of training sessions, the number of settlement and graphic tasks, the content and timing of the work, and recommended literature. Programs determine the total amount of knowledge subject to mandatory assimilation by students. All work programs in all areas are approved by the deans of the faculties and agreed with the graduating departments.

According to the credit system of education, educational and methodological complexes have been developed

         All types of classes at the department are held according to the schedule.

         Individual classes at the department are held in a subgroup of 10-12 people.

         During individual lessons, students perform the amount of settlement and graphic work corresponding to the amount of hours allotted according to the curriculum. The progress of the individual task is monitored during an individual lesson. At the department, once a week, we conduct individual classes for students in Kyrgyz or Russian.

Correspondence students are generally provided with methodological instructions and workbooks. These guidelines contain tasks, options and examples of performance tests.

         In connection with the transition to the Far Eastern Federal District, the system of credit technology of education, certain work is being done:

- the educational portal is being filled with electronic versions of educational materialsα (EMC, syllabuses, etc.)

         The control of students' knowledge on all types of training sessions is carried out according to the test-rating system. Form of control - control tests (blank). For each specialty, special tests (blank) and control tasks have been developed corresponding to their profile.

Control of attendance of classes by full-time students is carried out at all levels of management of the educational process, starting from keeping attendance logs and ending with individual work with students.

         Working off missed classes is organized by each teacher individually during the period of duty at the department.

         The schedule for receiving debts, consultations, interviews is drawn up and agreed with the dean's office.

         An analysis of the results shows that students with a large number of missed hours, respectively, do not have time to turn in the drawings and pass the module on time.

The number of students who did not appear also negatively affects the performance of groups and the entire faculty as a whole.

         The progress of the implementation of individual plans of teachers is controlled by the head. department. Each teacher reports twice during the academic year during the meetings of the department.
        The department has developed and published methodological instructions for performing tests and workbooks for students of distance learning in all areas. These guidelines contain tasks, options and examples of performance tests.

For part-time students in all areas, electronic options have been developed:

work programs, lecture notes, guidelines, assignments, samples of control work, samples of control tests.

        The department has two computer classes equipped with computers: DUAL CORE E5300 - 4, PIV 531.3 - 1, CEL430 - 1, Intel (R) Core (TM) i5-3470 - 10, Intel (R) Pentium (P) CPU G- 2020 - 5, laptops - 16, and printers, copier and video projector SANVO PDG.