INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN is a well-known higher national architectural and design school of Kyrgyzstan with a rich history, worthy traditions and a high level of training of architects, designers, restorers, planners, urban planners, constructors and clothing designers.

      The history of today's most famous and most sought-after higher national architectural and design school in Kyrgyzstan began within the walls of the Frunze Polytechnic Institute, first as an architectural and construction department, after a short time as a separate architectural faculty and today functions as the Institute of Architecture and Design of KSTU. I. Razzakova.

Stages of formation and development of IAD:

In 1965 The Architectural and Construction Department of the Frunze Polytechnic Institute was founded.

  In 1967 On the initiative of the famous architect P.P. Ivanov, the first specialized department of “Architecture” was formed, training future architects. Famous and outstanding architects of Kyrgyzstan, authors of many books in the field of architecture V.E. Nusov, M. Omurkulov, V.A. Golubev, M.A. Manuilova and others worked at the department.

In 1970, the first graduation of architects of Kyrgyzstan took place. From 1974 to 1981 The department was headed by a famous architect, an outstanding figure, the author of many famous objects built in Kyrgyzstan, Doctor of Architecture, Professor V.V. Kurbatov.

In 1977 The Faculty of Architecture of the FPI was created from the Department of Architecture and Construction.

In 1992-2003. The Faculty of Architecture was called the National School of Architecture and Design of the Kyrgyz Institute of Architecture and Construction.

In 2004 The National School of Architecture and Design KASI was renamed the Institute of Architecture and Design (IAD) of the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture named after N. Isanov.

      From September 1, 2022 to the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic UP No. 243 dated 07.18.2022 “On measures to increase the potential and competitiveness of educational organizations of higher professional education of the Kyrgyz Republic” and Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 414 dated 07.29.2022 “ On some issues of reorganization of higher educational institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic”, Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture named after N. Isanov and, accordingly, the Institute of Architecture and Design became part of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after. I. Razzakova.

In the formation and development of the Institute since 2004. The directors made a great contribution:

  • Architect Alexey Sergeevich Shkaev;
  • Doctor of Architecture, Professor. Omuraliev Duishen Dzhunushovich;
  • PhDof Architecture Tonkoy Igor Vasilievich;
  • PhDof Technical Sciences, Professor Tusupbekova Kulyash Idrisovna;
  • Deserved cultural figure of the Kyrgyz Republic, member of the Union of Architects, professor Tabyldy Belekovich Baybosunov;
  • PhDof Architecture Khalmurzaeva Gaukhar Baymurzaevna;
  • PhD, associate professor, excellent student of education Tolobaev Maksatbek Shabdanovich;
  • PhDof Architecture, associate professor, excellent student of education Kozhobaeva Saltanat Tolonbaevna (from 1.09.2022 to present)


  • Architecture (head of the department. Omuraliev D.D.),
  • Urban planning (head of department. Keneshov T.S.),
  • Design of the architectural environment (head of department. Kozhaliev A.Zh.),
  • Design (head of department Koenaliev K.K.),
  • Restoration and reconstruction of architectural heritage (head of the department. Filatova T.A.),
  • Artistic design of products (head of department Dzholdosheva A.B.),
  • Descriptive geometry and graphics (head of department Kurmanbek uulu N.);

     For more than 59 years, the Institute of Architecture has trained outstanding architects and designers. The first graduates of the Faculty of Architecture of the Frunze Polytechnic Institute took part in the formation and creation of the architectural and artistic image of the capital. Since the formation of the Faculty of Architecture in the Republic, problems have been set and solved regarding the formation of expressive architecture and the national appearance of cities. Many architects of Kyrgyzstan became winners of all-Union and international competitions and were the authors of architectural objects, significant buildings and structures.

      IAD is proud of its graduates, among whom I. Kadyrbekov – Ph.D. architect, Honored Architect of the Kyrgyz Republic, Sh. Zhekshenbaev, K. Nazarov, K. Alykulov, U. Beishenbiev - laureates of the State Prize of the Kyrgyz Republic named after. Toktogul, – Dr. architect, prof. Omuraliev D.J., Doctor of Arch. Honored Worker of Culture of the Kyrgyz Republic Imankulov D.D., Honored Architect. KR, Asylbekov R., Tursunov A., Ibraev K., T.S.Keneshov., Abdrakov K.K. and others. Our graduates work in responsible positions in the republic - Karybaev U., Akimov A., Abdiev B.A., Tokoshev A., and many others.

      Graduates I. Spektor, V. Gresle, G. Yantsen, A. Zusik, A. Logunov, A. Kokhanov, G. Kats, D. Egimbayeva, A. Lebedeva work as architects abroad. , K. Akylbekov et al.